«Город астероидов» Уэса Андерсона.

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СПОЙЛЕРЫ НИЖЕ Новый фильм Уэса Андерсона, [«Asteroid City»](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14230388/), кажется мне относящимся к уфологии. Наиболее очевидно, что инопланетянин достает астероид из маленького городка, похожего на Лос-Аламос 50-х годов. Менее очевидно, что структура фильма «пьеса в пьесе внутри пьесы» кажется уместной для более экстравагантных теорий вокруг феномена, которые включают в себя существа или симуляции высших измерений. Фактически, метаповествование завершается пением «вы не можете проснуться, если не заснете», что в конечном итоге становится де-факто темой истории. По крайней мере, похоже, что Андерсон воспользовался тенденцией UAP; но некоторые думают, что федералы пытаются использовать кино, чтобы продвигать мягкое раскрытие NHI — если это так, то какие подсказки содержит для нас «Город астероидов»?

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2 комментарий для “«Город астероидов» Уэса Андерсона.”
    Just saw the movie minutes ago funnily enough. The whole “if you don’t sleep, you can’t wake up” tagline at the end seemed pretty on the nose. If you can’t dream of what’s possible, you’ll never see it. At least that was my immediate interpretation of it, I’m sure there’s more layers.

    Another little detail, the alien was speculated to have seen us as “doomed”. I pray Wes Anderson is merely interested in the topic and has no solid insider information, because to be seen as “doomed” by other species would be sad yet understandable.

  2. I saw it the other night and was amped to search out r/UFOS looking for anyone talking about it. Having been well steeped in the UFO topic, I got a similar impression and found that it was making poignant commentary on it even if it’s merely driven by my subjective interest and interpretation.

    In the Asteroid City half of the story, the adult characters are all depicted as firmly rooted in the world of adult matters and themselves, (i.e. matters of death, sex, career, money etc) so much so, that after something extraordinary occurs, they slip right back into their worlds and casually go about as normal (the only exception being the cowboy). However, the children are struck by the extraordinary, their creativity sparked, unable to move forward until it’s been acknowledged and explored further. Multiple times throughout the movie we see the adults having to succumb to the children’s whimsy (i.e. the son asking his father to dare him, the three daughters ritual burial of the ashes, the children in class learning about space).

    Because the movie explores the adult characters in this way and makes a point of acknowledging the time period (via the nuclear tests) it could be making a comment on the state of grownups in general, but also the state of adults at that time through their inability or lack of desire to explore the extraordinary further when it stands to threaten the meaning they have attributed to their lives via all they are absorbed in. Maybe unwittingly deciding at that point in our culture’s history, that it’s better to go to sleep on the issue. Which is seemingly the case, if you can see the parallels to Roswell in the story and how that initially was acknowledged as extraordinary, but then quickly covered up. Or how the culture went to sleep on that exploration and began to reflect our dreaming of it through various media and basically turned the extraordinary into a dream. Maybe that was necessary for our eventually being able to collectively accept that the mystery runs much deeper…

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