Новичок в этом подразделе, и у меня есть серьезный вопрос

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Новичок в этом подразделе, и у меня есть серьезный вопрос,

Новичок в этом подразделе, и у меня есть серьезный вопрос,

Знают ли люди, которые активны на этой подлодке, о хорошо поддерживаемой теории о том, что большая часть (если не все) UAP и других паранормальных явлений, которые мы наблюдаем, вероятно, являются иллюзией? Что, по словам Жака Валле, «нас активно обманывает невидимая сила». Тот самый, который обманывал человечество тысячи лет. В наше время эти светящиеся шары, также называемые фу-файтерами, ассоциируются с явлениями, начиная от размещения больших НЛО и заканчивая снежным человеком. Во многих случаях один свидетель сообщит о большом UAP, в то время как его друг рядом с ним сообщит о танцующих световых шарах. Жак Валле впервые сообщил об этом очевидном обмане в своей книге «Паспорт в Магонию» в 1965 году и уже более шестидесяти лет собирает убедительные подтверждающие доказательства. По его словам, некоторые или все UAP являются иллюзией. Это тот же театр, который показывают нам те же самые ребята, которые ослепляли наших предков Валькириями, Ангелами, летающими колесницами, пылающими щитами и даже летающими Длинными кораблями. Что же тогда они могут показать технически развитой цивилизации? Все, что я говорю, это то, что я не уверен, что летающие тарелки — это настоящая история; И мне любопытно, согласятся ли с этим другие на этом субмарине. (Прокрутите вниз первую ссылку, чтобы увидеть доказательства) azquotes.com/author/33226-Jacques_Vallee/tag/ufo

By admin

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20 комментарий для “Новичок в этом подразделе, и у меня есть серьезный вопрос”
  1. As a person who has experienced a sighting with my brother and my friend, its like saying “Are you sure that car isn’t an optical illusion?” Yes some things are but what I saw wasn’t an illusion. The aircraft I saw was as clear as I see the things around me. I had no disrupted vision, it wasn’t far into the sky, it was above me.

  2. You lost me at «well supported theory». There is no well supported theory in this topic, that is the one thing most people here can agree on. It’s all speculation, no one knows anything.

    I think the one thing that I disagree with is the methodological approach he uses that tries to explain every single sighting with a single cause. I don’t think it works that way, I think there’s a lot of different factors at play. BUT if you belief in the truthfulness of every single report and sighting — you have to cast a veeeery wide net to explain all of it. Thinking it is merely an illusion, or tricks or induced hallucinations explains all of the big differences in sighting. Not only that you can cast the net even wider that way: Not only are UFOs part of this phenomena, everything else that is slightly supernatural must also be a direct result of it.

    I think it’s an elegant way to fit everything under one explanation — I just disagree that there is indeed one single explanation for all of the different experiences people have.

  3. Vallee clearly stated people interpret the phenomena in context of culture, technology, if it doesn’t appear to manifest itself in such manner. The deception comes into play when certain people in a group see certain things and not others.


    There also needs to be a caveat we are strictly talking about UFOs which have various historical depictions in line with modern observation. Vallee doesn’t make clear distinctions during a rant as a range of phenomena are lumped into one large box

  4. Y’all need to stop downvoting OP just because they dare to propose a theory. Shameful. Just have a conversation and provide counter arguments if you disagree. Downvote is not the disagree button.

  5. Vallee thinks there’s a grand intelligence somewhere behind it all. I’m not so sure. It sure doesn’t seem all that intelligent. If it was, you would think it would be better at communicating what Vallee assumes it wants us to know, which is ostensibly «the right path to take into the future.»

  6. My take on the “absurdity” of the ufo phenomenon in my mind can be compared to camouflage techniques used by octopus. Octopus use their superior intelligence to baffle predators. They change their shape, color, texture etc. to remain unseen and unknown.

    My take on the “illusionary” aspects of the phenomenon in my mind can be compared to a parent child relationship. At times a parent can use their superior intelligence to influence, often times through illusion, their child in ways that produce a desired outcome.

  7. I find it interesting to entertain. Mostly because my mind wants to say no and runs to reasons why, but once I start thinking of it, it’s going to be an interesting journey in my mind. I think I will read and ponder.

  8. This subject is not a simple one, and unless a person really does a lot of research into very disparate subjects it can be easy to get lost.

    —It’s important to note that many of the scientists and researchers who have studied the UAP phenomenon have professed an interest or belief in “psi,” (modern term for ESP). Remember that Hal Puthoff spent a couple decades running the remote viewing program at SRI doing research for the CIA.
    —Among parapsychologists (those who study psi and related phenomenon), the vast majority have professed a belief in Idealism instead of Materialism simply because the latter doesn’t offer any framework for the existence of psi, but the former does.
    —Idealism states that physical reality is formed from consciousness, not the other way around.
    —Vallée and others have stated their belief that the phenomenon may be interfacing directly with our consciousness and bypassing our normal senses.
    —If our consciousness is creating physical reality, then these beings may effectively using us as tools to allow them to physically manifest within our reality (which may be different then their own).

    That’s really what it comes down to. Ultimately it’s a question about what the true nature of our reality is. Comb through the interviews and see how many of the big names in Ufology, past and present, have called Materialism into question.

    If the above turns out to be true, then each person who has a contact experience can have an entirely unique experience yet it can still be “real.” But what happens when outside perspectives start weighing in on it? That’s where things get tricky. Personally, I think something like Qbism may be another part of the answer: https://theconversation.com/qbism-quantum-mechanics-is-not-a-description-of-objective-reality-it-reveals-a-world-of-genuine-free-will-200487

  9. Being that the “phenomenon” is from likely multiple sources of beings or consciousness, I’d doubt they are all optical illusion. I’m sure there are groups who come from higher dimensions maybe where they don’t have a physical form. And they have to (or maybe don’t) take one to come to physical reality. It gets a little mind f*cky to ponder. Then you consider that the afterlife is maybe just a higher density where we lose physical form. I can’t ponder this, it’s bed time.

  10. I’ve heard this theory, and I wouldn’t dismiss it. Perhaps «they» show us what we can deal with, so its flying saucers for us, and angels years back. The Greys seem to be able to create such illusions, reported many times.
    However, there are many reports of crashes, debris, even bodies. You wouldn’t expect that if the craft were an illusion.

  11. There’s nuts and bolts people, there’s the more *’woo’* people and there’s those of us that don’t really have an opinion and just look at the evidence.

    Personally, I think anyone who «concludes» anything isn’t being even close to logically sound.

  12. Do most here believe in ghosts, spirits, or apparitions? Many people report seeing dead relatives for example. Do you believe these dead relatives are physically present? I don’t think many do.

    So maybe ufos are similar. Some kind of phenomenon manipulating our brain to give us the illusion of something being there.

    If it can fool someone into thinking their deceased grandma is sitting in a chair with them, then couldn’t the same phenomenon fool people into thinking they saw a flying saucer?

  13. Are you talking about Project Blue Beam? When you go down the illusion route you are just casting a wider net into the ocean. If its an illusion we would first have to exhaustively rule out our own society and governments.

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