Новое видео Thunderfoots — ерунда.

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sY8li5kqQoRjz5gXSz hKvDcGUdfWPeNQW4tdJMadhc

sY8li5kqQoRjz5gXSz hKvDcGUdfWPeNQW4tdJMadhc

[https://youtu.be/7\_B1WdWhFrQ](https://youtu.be/7_B1WdWhFrQ) ​ Я был его поклонником более десяти лет, у него есть законные вещи, но он ничего не развенчал в отношении разоблачителя Дэвида Груша, он просто болтал о том, как быстро и треугольные видео, которые не являются приличными видео и скорее всего чушь, он потратил час, даже не говоря о Груше…

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8 комментарий для “Новое видео Thunderfoots — ерунда.”
  1. The majority of his videos these days are nonsense.

    [One of the UFO ‘debunk videos’ he did,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWWGmiZs4JA&t=1238s&ab_channel=Thunderf00t) he decided that the object seen by the IR camera *was a fucking meteorite* and that it was showing up black because the meteorite would be hot while entering the atmosphere. And then later he found out that the IR camera was reversed (such that black meant cold), so THEN he claimed it made sense for a meteorite to be colder than the surrounding air. He did not comment on how it could possibly make sense for a US fighter jet to follow a meteorite through the sky, especially since the meteorite would pretty much have to be in freefall to be cold.

    It was always obvious that he was letting his bias influence his view on the facts, but the video that really showed that for me was when he cricized the establishment of the Space Force… pretending that it was being formed as some kind of new space army, when anyone with any sense knew it was just a reorganization of management to put space assets under one command.

    And then there was his video saying NASA was stupid for trying to put a helicopter on Mars because it wouldn’t work, which was dumb on the face of it because obviously NASA engineers did the math to know it would work, and since then the Mars helicopter has worked great.

    Probably should have ditched him earlier, but at least now you know.

  2. Is it nonsense? I’d never seen that NASA video about the guy talking about optical illusions until this video. He’s pointing out that even «trained» officials make mistakes and often misidentify common objects. This directly relates to Grusch and the people that informed Grusch. A game of telephone, and the ones informing Grusch could be mistaken too. It’s okay to be skeptical.

  3. Is it nonsense? What I got from it is: Where is the evidence? If there is evidence, Put it on YouTube and let an advance high school student in the case of trigonometry, an advanced amateur photographer in the case of focus and other lens mishaps take a look at the evidence. If that doesn’t result in something, let scientists (which costs millions) analyze it. NASA came up with the same conclusion (parallax) as several YouTubers with detailed video explanations did long before the report. Which cost millions. Some YouTubers also took a look at the triangles and gave a reasonable explanation (out of focus), Thunderfoot is not alone on this. I also saw various YouTube explanations of the fighter chasing the black thingy. The point is clear, this David Grush even failed at putting out evidence to analyze. Just hearsay. Again. He was pointing clearly at the media hype, just like those blurry leaked videos from fighter pilots. It is stupid. If it flies like a duck, it probably is a duck, regardless of what the one operating the detecting instrument, news hunting for clicks and views and believers thinks it is. The same goes for hearsay. David Grush is not even on the evidence stage, and it is correct to approach this with skepticism.

  4. Ok. I used to be a fan of this guy. Initially he seemed to be entertaining to listen to, with some solid ways to explain things. But he has this particular «quirk». I didn’t think anything of it at first because I usually loved watching those expose videos.

    Over time though it started becoming more apparent to me, particularly in the ufo videos or especially when he does Elon the ones (he seems to have a hard on or envy for this guy). And now I can’t unsee that he just looks like an arrogant narcissist. He also does have some bias when it comes to things but I was more under the impression that a true scientist would have an open mind to explore things. It should not be, «that thing is impossible» but «let’s see the manner of how it could be possible».

    Anyway I stopped watching him long ago because of this.

  5. Hello, I’m a frequent debunker on the sub. Thunderfoot often makes good points, but he also often makes bad points and fixates on irrelevant details. The fact that he has said something does not make him wrong, but zi would recommend against using him as a source for what learned naysayers have to say.

  6. I just wanted to post this, because i feel he’s making arguments based on emotions and his ideology, not intellectual honest ones. Why? Because he’s ignoring the multi sensor data of the Jet pilot UAP events — if you have data from different radar stations on two aircraft carriers, optical infrared and radar data from the jets,…all recording the same event, you can’t just say it’s paralax, a duck or swamp gas.

    Honestly just because it’d be funny to see the self proclaimed sceptics shit their pants I’d want this to turn out true, that’d be hilarious.

    Real sceptics fulfill a very necessary and important role, and thunderfoot isn’t excluded from that — but in his recent videos he became more and more unhinged (especially when it’s about Elon) and emotional, and that’s not good at all. Same mistake as the opposing side he criticizes makes

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