Прошлой ночью попробовал «Сознательный контакт» или «Протокол CE5». Увидел в небе массу сумасшедших вещей, в том числе Starlink впервые. Хотя это интересно. Сразу после того, как я зашел внутрь, чтобы лечь спать, около 10 вечера, это было опубликовано на странице моего города в Facebook. Теперь я действительно спотыкаюсь. Мысли?
I’d say try it every night this week, see if it keeps happening
Wooaahhh dude I did ce5 last night for the first time to and saw exactly what you did. I saw a line of starlink crossing the sky to. Are you in Tennessee
I tried it a few weeks ago and saw one the next day in broad daylight. Greer is a wack job in a lot of ways but I do think there is some merit to some of the things he says.
My teacher showed us this in a college class a few years ago…
[Summon UFOs](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U7cJX8p6XSk&pp=ygUOUHJvcGhldCB5YWh3ZWg%3D)
Do you have a link or can you explain the process you used?
Looks like a Chinese lantern
Looks like a face in the first pic.
I haven’t seen starlink in years. Saw it near the beginning and thought it was an alien invasíon
Wow! You managed to summon a spirit of Ilon Mask. You could get a lot of retweets.
Well you are near a Vandenberg (a major Air Force base) as well as a launch pad for Space X. I’m sure there are plenty of logical real world explanations… That being said if you apply a bit of woo speculation it could very well be a secret craft / UAP from the government much like you would see on a regular basis in the southwest close to other bases….
Launch from India….
Record your methodology and the results spanning up to 4 hours after you initiate