Показания полковника Фреда Мейвальда: НЛО и ядерное оружие
Colonel Fred Meiwald’s Testimony: UFOs & Nukes
byu/littlespacemochi inaliens
Показания полковника Фреда Мейвальда: НЛО и ядерное оружие
Colonel Fred Meiwald’s Testimony: UFOs & Nukes
byu/littlespacemochi inaliens
Oscar Flight Brief
March 24, 2023 is the 56th anniversary of the Shutdown of the Minuteman missile on the Oscar flight.
This video includes the audio recording of Colonel Fred Meiwald’s testimony to Captain Robert Salas in 1996.
It confirms that soldiers were injured during this event. UFOs & Nukes
Source: https://twitter.com/keptycho/status/1634225068443340802