Кадры миссии Алсос, охота за нацистским супероружием

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Кадры миссии Алсос, охота за нацистским супероружием

От admin

2 комментарий для “Кадры миссии Алсос, охота за нацистским супероружием”
  1. The [Alsos Mission](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alsos_Mission) was the foreign intelligence arm of the Manhattan Project. The team was assembled in 1943 for the surrender of Italy, and began working in Italy as soon as possible, before the war brought them to broader Europe and the capture of Nazi scientist Werner Heisenberg in Germany.

    The team of scientists and soldiers was specifically created to search out and secure any fascist superweapons. Ultimately, they secured information on the progress of Nazi Germany’s nuclear efforts, but their broader purpose was to secure biological, chemical, and nuclear superweapons.

    It has been alleged that Mussolini and the Italian fascists captured a UFO at Magenta in Northern Italy in 1933 and that the same object was then again captured by the Allies in 1944-45.

    During that time, Alsos Mission was active in Italy and was the exact team that would be sent in the event that superweapon material was found.

    I believe that this group are the men who would have captured the alleged Magenta object, and based on other recorded Alsos captures, they would have immediately shipped this material out on trucks, to be flown to the Manhattan Project in the United States.

    Following the war, the Manhattan Project carried on its work for a couple of more years before eventually dissolving to become several prominent US government agencies.

    This video that I have linked is footage from the Alsos Mission’s travels across Europe in the search for superweapons, including some of their achievements. I believe that based on the very existence of this footage, there may actually be footage *somewhere* of the Magenta object capture.

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