Церковь Ватикана изучает UAP на протяжении тысячелетий? Росс Култхарт: «Мой хороший друг, Д. В. Пасулька, по-видимому, в прошлом ходил в Ватиканскую библиотеку. Она сказала мне, что в Ватикане есть огромные архивы, в которых тысячелетиями изучались явления».

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Церковь Ватикана изучает UAP на протяжении тысячелетий? Росс Култхарт: «Мой хороший друг, Д. В. Пасулька, по-видимому, в прошлом ходил в Ватиканскую библиотеку. Она сказала мне, что в Ватикане есть огромные архивы, в которых тысячелетиями изучались явления».

Церковь Ватикана изучает UAP на протяжении тысячелетий? Росс Култхарт: «Мой хороший друг, Д. В. Пасулька, по-видимому, в прошлом ходил в Ватиканскую библиотеку. Она сказала мне, что в Ватикане есть огромные архивы, в которых тысячелетиями изучались явления».

Церковь Ватикана изучает UAP на протяжении тысячелетий? Росс Култхарт: «Мой хороший друг, Д. В. Пасулька, по-видимому, в прошлом ходил в Ватиканскую библиотеку. Она сказала мне, что в Ватикане есть огромные архивы, в которых тысячелетиями изучались явления».

Vatican Church studying UAPs for millennia? Ross Coulthart: «My good friend, D.W. Pasulka, has apparently gone to the Vatican Library in the past. She’s told me that there are enormous archives in the Vatican still to be released where they’ve been studying the phenomena through millennia.»
byu/bmfalbo inUFOs

By admin

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33 комментарий для “Церковь Ватикана изучает UAP на протяжении тысячелетий? Росс Култхарт: «Мой хороший друг, Д. В. Пасулька, по-видимому, в прошлом ходил в Ватиканскую библиотеку. Она сказала мне, что в Ватикане есть огромные архивы, в которых тысячелетиями изучались явления».”
  1. My mom thinks they’re demons here to deceive us and convince non-believers in Christ that they created us. “The Great Deception”

    I’m just glad she’s interested in the topic lol

  2. Submission Statement:

    Has the Vatican Church been studying UAPs going back millennia?

    [Ross Coulthart](https://twitter.com/rosscoulthart) on the Vatican’s long standing interest in the UAP subject:

    «I think the Vatican’s been aware of this issue since at least the second world war when the Magenta craft was recovered and I think that the Vatican apparently… my good friend D.W. Pasulka, the theology professor, has apparently gone to the Vatican library in the past. She’s told me that there are enormous archives in the Vatican still to be released where they’ve been studying the phenomena through millennia.»

    Full [Need to Know Podcast](https://needtoknow.today/) Episode: https://youtu.be/5-As3SXPeJg


    Full Transcript of Vatican Segment:

    Zabel: «You raised in that special the Vatican has known about this for a while, what should happen about that? How do you get the Vatican legitimately on the record about what they know about the UFO situation?»

    Coulthart: «One of the things that I think is this red flag with the Vatican is that a few years ago the Vatican astronomer made a very public statement that we are all God’s children, whatever we are. If we’re another species we’re still God’s children and that the Christian faith they emphasized is not incompatible with the belief in aliens and I think the Vatican’s been aware of this issue since at least the second world war when the Magenta craft was recovered and I think that the Vatican apparently… my good friend D.W. Pasulka, the theology professor, has apparently gone to the Vatican library in the past. She’s told me that there are enormous archives in the Vatican still to be released where they’ve been studying the phenomena through millennia.»

    Zabel: «That is pretty amazing but on the other hand it makes good sense particularly if that first crash was in Italy as he (Grusch) said.»

  3. Do you guys know that the «secret» archive were stolen by French Armies during Napoleon’s conquest in the XIX° ? And that they are not so secret as they were inventoried at that time

  4. In Catholic Church theology, there’s this concept of Preternatural forces. Preternatural forces being that which is beyond the natural but is not strictly supernatural. The Supernatural as divine power that can only be done by God, such as miracles and Jesus’ supernatural abilities.

    This Phenomenon falls under Preternatural forces. Medieval theologians made clear distinctions between these two forces, noting that demons could manipulate the laws of nature by a form of trickery. A case could be made that this phenomenon is demonic in nature.

    If the Vatican has indeed know about this, I wonder why they still approved The miracle of Our Lady of Fátima, an event which has UFO characteristics. Not to mention that every Marian apparition could be an aspect of the phenomenon, a form of deception.

    Marian apparitions for those unaware are alleged visitations by Mary, although what’s strange about these events is that the being does not explicitly say that she’s Mary, usually referring to herself as ‘the Lady’ or ‘the mother’. Then this Lady would pass along messages, usually a request to build a chapel where she appeared, although there are sometimes stranger messages, usually passed along as visions. What’s even stranger about these apparitions is that they sometimes contradict theology, and can be outright heretical. Our Lady of All Nations for instance claimed that «The Lady of All Nations or Mother of All Nations, who once was Mary».

    Marian apparitions have been going on for centuries, and if it is indeed an aspect of the Phenomenon then the Catholic Church has been influenced and possibly even infiltrated at this point.

  5. [I’m just gonna leave this here](https://youtu.be/aQhikls5Ye8)

    Koncrete podcast with Diana Walsh Pasulka, a Bible studies professor who talks about the connection between the UFO phenomenon and biblical stories and texts, who had permission to study certain files from the Vatican archives which is generally restricted. Dunno how special that access is exactly but interesting to hear her thoughts on this.

  6. We pretty much just got disclosure and the big factory I work at it’s like no one knows!!!!! Me and one other guy… I just don’t understand how people are not excited or interested in what is going on right in front of us.. but let’s worry about our beloved sports teams , our gender pronouns, our race , our ideologies.. I just don’t understand

  7. Realistically, if there is anything out there from ancient times, it makes a lot of sense for the Vatican to be in possession of it. They spent years hunting down «Holy Artifacts» and stuff like that. Evidence of UAPs would contradict faith, so they would definitely want that sealed away.

  8. sure they do. we don’t even have much as far as actual church documents go for the first centuries AD but the Vatican has thousands of years of UFO research hidden away.

    come on, at some point you gotta self reflect and realize you sound more than just a bit kooky at a time where your super credible whistleblower is supposed to change some minds.

  9. I want to believe. But this whole church angle makes this all seem too fantastical. You’re telling me the CHURCH has the capacity to study UFOs and has the enforcement to keep it secret? Through millennia? And no one talked or questioned their faith and left the church, made a huge hubbub?

    I mean they did a pretty piss poor cover up the sexual molestation of thousands of children… I don’t believe they could keep UAP work under wraps.

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