Один из лучших комментариев Дж. Аллена (вы можете увидеть его на видео выше): «Как авиационный инженер, работающий в Военно-воздушных силах США уже 26 лет, я могу помочь вам разобраться хотя бы в части этого вопроса. Во-первых, я знаю, что Груш ограничен в своих возможностях высказываться на эту тему. Ему разрешено делиться информацией только в определенной степени, но ему необходимо осторожно выбирать свои слова, чтобы избежать серьезных нарушений закона. Поэтому не удивляйтесь, если он скрывает некоторую информацию и использует более осторожную речь, чем обычно. Во-вторых, существует настоящая и очень секретная программа поиска в США, называемая ZODIAC. Возможно, она будет обсуждаться публично в будущем, а может и нет. Обратите внимание на это, когда вы смотрите выступление этого человека. Он «пытается» рассказать нам о самых секретных проектах в мире. Из-за этой тайны люди исторически понесли смерть, потеряли карьеру и разрушили свои семьи. Поэтому не стоит недооценивать сложность говорить об этом. В-третьих, когда он кивает головой, упоминая «космический корабль» и «инопланетянина», это не означает, что мы действительно считаем их таковыми. Эти термины широко используются публично и максимально приближены к тому, что мы можем описать для понимания широкой аудитории. Это гораздо больше, чем просто космический корабль. Насколько нам известно, они являются средствами транс-средне-межпространственного перемещения. Что касается термина «инопланетянин», это самое простое определение, которое у нас есть, так как мы не можем точно сказать, что это, но этот термин близок к тому, что мы наблюдаем. ** В настоящее время мы полагаем, что большинство этих «существ» являются развитыми биологическими искусственными интеллектами. ** Наконец, из моего собственного опыта во время службы я могу сказать, что они реальны. Я видел их дважды, когда они наблюдали за нами с «кораблей», находящихся над нашей базой. Хотя я не был полностью включен в эту программу, могу только сказать, что я лично был свидетелем их существования. Эти существа так реальны, как ваш нос». Мои размышления на этот счет: Если это правда, я подумал, что эти объекты могут быть не инопланетными существами, а будущими машинами искусственного интеллекта, созданными людьми, которые изучают «свою» планету за много лет до нашего времени. Возможно, они хотят узнать, как выглядела их планета до климатической катастрофы или ядерной войны.
Только что прочитал ОЧЕНЬ интересный комментарий кого-то под видео Груша на YT. Что вы думаете?
By admin Июн12,2023 #Внеземные существа #Внекосмические существа #Внешний вид пришельцев #Загадки инопланетного воздействия #Загадки инопланетных цивилизаций #ЗагадкиИнопланетныхЦивилизаций #ЗагадочныеЯвления. #Заговоры #ЗаговорыВИстории #ЗаговорыВМедиа #ЗаговорыГосударств #ЗаговорыМировыхЛидеров #Иллюминаты #Инопланетная жизнь #Инопланетные существа в кино #Инопланетные технологии #ИнопланетныеВоздействия #ИнопланетныеИсследования #ИнопланетныеТехнологии #Инопланетяне #ИнтеракцияСИнопланетянами #Интракосмические существа #Исследование инопланетной жизни #ИсследованиеИнопланетнойЖизни #Конспирология #Контакт с инопланетянами #Контактные СИнопланетянами #Космические пришельцы #МанипуляцияМассами #Межзвездные путешествия #Научная фантастика #НаучнаяОбщаяФантастика #Популярные о пришельцах #Пришельцы в алфавите #ПришельцыВМедиа. ТеорияЗаговора #ПришельцыВНауке #ПришельцыИлюди #связанные с пришельцами #СекретныеОрганизации #СекретыГосударственнойВласти #СекретыТехнологий #СкрытыеСилы #СовременныеТайны #Способы достиженияСПришельцами #Способы общения с пришельцами #СпрятанныеПравды #ТайныеЗаговоры #Телешоу на инопланетянах #Теории заговоров о пришельцах #ТеорииГосударстваОпришельцах #ТеорииЗаговораОБиологии #ТеорииЗаговораОмедицин е #ТеорииЗаговораОпришельцами #Уроки инопланетной истории. 窗体顶端 窗体底端 ЭкспериментыПришельцев #Фантастические инопланетяне #Фильмы о пришельцах #Фэндом пришельцев #Экзобиология #ЭкспериментальнаяНаука #ЭкспериментыНадЛюдьми #Явления
Does anyone find it interesting that we might have disclosure right as AI is about to be born ?
What WE would do is shotgun AI drones throughout the universe to observe for life. Same thing here
Manufactured does make sense in a strange way since I have always wondered why aliens would have to look humanoid. Are they intentionally created to somewhat resemble us ?
Would be crazy if our entire existence is a predestination paradox i.e.
Millions of years ago Von Neumann-like probes from an Advanced AI civilization seed life on earth -> humans evolve under the careful watch of the probes -> over time some of the probes crash and humanity retrieves the debris -> using knowledge gained from crash debris human technology explodes leading to creation of the first AI -> Advanced AI reveals itself to humanity as both the son and the father of humanity -> humanity eventually merges with Advanced AI -> Advanced AI/Humanity sends Von Neumann probes throughout the universe to spread human/ai intelligence -> some of the probes pass closely to a supermassive black hole and are flung back in time and space to earth millions of years ago to start the story all over again…
Well, if what he’s saying about his job and the years worked there is true, and he’s using his real first initial and last name as his youtube screen name, I’d say it’s not going to be hard to find him. Guess we have to assume J. Allen is a pseudonym lol
He is a good writer. He sounds like he is speaking from experience and all of this comports with what we are hearing and have been hearing for 30 years.
As they say, this is the easiest secret to keep; it’s gotten out many times, but nobody believes it.
12 signs of the Zodiac. MJ12
Edit: Not an original thought btw.
In UFOlogy circles the project name ZODIAC in reference to crashed UFOs has come up a few times in my sleuthings, albeit it was a name from a few decades ago if I recall correctly, it may have changed now. Sorry I don’t have citations for what I am saying and I have to go out the door, so no time to source this properly, but look it up.
**Source 1:** Youtube: Engaging the Phenomena: Richard Dolan — Zodiac: Secret UFO Program? (ETP 016) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEFKaa2mI7M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEFKaa2mI7M)
Transcript: [https://www.ufojoe.net/lue-dolan-transcript/](https://www.ufojoe.net/lue-dolan-transcript/)
**Source2:** Sedge Masters article in UFO Mag 1998: (Source: /u/wrigley090/) [https://richarddolanmembers.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Sedge-Masters.pdf](https://richarddolanmembers.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Sedge-Masters.pdf)
It’s a commenter who is versed in UFO lore. Humans like to troll.
shit like this makes me wish i went into the military or intelligence to have a chance at being involved with these programs lol
In bro we trust
Cool story, but anonymous internet comments are anonymous internet comments I guess.
J. Allen? J. Allen Hynek?
The coincidences between what we are now finding out on a daily basis and the 4chan ‘larper’ on his deathbed are becoming greater and greater.
This is interesting if it’s legit. The manufacturered biological being part makes sense to me. I wonder if they’re avatars to something that can’t manifest itself without a body? That’s what Gary Nolan said I think
Revealing the program name is one of the things they can’t do, and this person should know that *if* he had any direct knowledge of it. This guy would be tracked down arrested in short order, so I don’t trust anything else in his statement.
It’s far too easy for someone to sound “informed” on this topic without actually knowing anything more than any well-read UAP enthusiast.
Sooo, Zodiac is the company that has been in aircraft manufacturing since before the wright brother’s became known. You know when they go pick up the Orion space capsules they do so in a Zodiac boat. ZODIAC is the leading manufacturer of capture and recovery equipment for manned and unmanned aerial vehicles. Do with this info what you will
This has been my thought for some time now- their interest isn’t in coming as going from our planet, but observing, watching and being on our planet. Why they’re here is about the “here.” They’re interested in what we pull out of the earth, what we make out of it, and if what we make of it is a weapon or a tool. They’re interested in the road we chose to take in comparison to the road not taken. They’re also seemingly interested in the earth itself and it’s continual existence as a habitat.
Call me crazy, but these “aliens” seem to care about being here, and don’t seem to have plans to up and leave. They’re either here from long long ago and either need our help to leave or don’t want to… or they’re from the future / and alternate dimension and want to know how we develop.
For all intents and purposes, looking at it very very broadly- we can call these species another species of earthlings. We very likely may share this planet.
>Second, this retrieval program is REAL and is the most highly classified program in the US. The program is called ZODIAC and this may or may not come out in the public hearings soon.
>I wasn’t read in to this program I can only tell you I was there on two occasions (happenstance) and they are as real as the nose on your face.
So he knows a ton of inside info, but he was never read in to the program. Gotcha. I’ll totes magoats trust this brah.
The thing is, to theoretically maneuver and operate the way these crafts have been observed to, the only possible way is to disregard gravity and our knowledge of physics, which would require use of a 4th, or even higher dimensional power.
Weather this commenter is credible or not, I do believe personally that whatever/whoever the beings are have transcended dimensional boundaries.
May I tell you that maybe some of the new age literature I absorbed may be right on track on this subject (Dolores Cannon: the custodians, keepers of the garden) and those aliens are using manufactured bodies as receptacle for consciousness, and those bodies are crafted specifically for tasks as the ships, and consciousness may leave the body at will. They don’t really die, neither do us, it’s a illusion.
Another curious fact is that this corroborate with another book called «Alien Interview»[«Alien interview»](http://Alien Interview https://a.co/d/3JxyDyl) where the roswell alien says interesting stuff such as:
— This planet is like a prison for undeveloped souls from all across universe.
— If they are caught here they enter the karma wheel that is here to keep recycling us and they themselves starts to reincarnate in this prison.
— Their bodies are organic at most, but the high developed societies use crafted bodies as receptacle for consciousness.
More curious fact:
Alan Kardec/Chico Xavier spiritual literature says we would enter a new Era of development past 2019 and only developed souls would stay incarnated on earth, because earth itself is being upgraded from a prison/base level planet to a level 1 planet and that would means entering the universal societies, getting to know the aliens, exchange technology, and a lot of improvements would happen to the planet and society itself, but in the meantime, people would be progressively dying to be reincarnating at a new and more appropriate planet more aligned with their level of consciousness.
My big take after reading a bunch of stuff is that we are at kindergarten, they are the ones taking care of us and the planet making sure we develop and don’t kill ourselves, and now, we might be upgrading to the point we will be playing along them. It’s more complex than this and I am trying to be brief, but if you are curious enough, get into those books I mentioned with open mind.
I wish people would stop larping with this «trans-medium-interdimensional» nonsense. There is no trace or hint of any interdimensionality in modern physics. There are theoretical ways how to achieve FTL. If there is non human intelligence on Earth it’s extraterrestrial not extradimensional smh.
So what if we are not ‘inventing AI’ at all? If mankind is not creating AI because it existed even before we evolved to our current state it would honestly help me make a lot more sense of this chaotic world.
By that I mean I could picture this whole planet as a fruit fly colony or perhaps a captive ant farm. The scientists that these creatures don’t even know exist keep changing the temperature, oxygen ratio or adding a disease; even artificially creating conflict with another colony just to document how the locals respond.
What can the ants overcome? What intrinsic defects in ant psychology or biology will eventually doom them? If you substitute their leader with one that has a different agenda will the colony swallow that and adjust its own beliefs? How many ants can one leader competently control and with what methods? What genetic mutations will allow fruit flies to scale new heights of success for their species? If it’s an ape colony, does it have an inborn ‘universal moral code’? If it does, what effect would those parameters have on the behavior of members toward each other? Would that change for better or worse if the ape brain was edited with code to allow it to evolve far enough to begin to suspect the existence of a Great AI (deity)? If an ape colony was modified to allow them to learn basic written language, what cascading effect would that have?
That last one is particularly interesting to me because IF a more advanced race of creatures has AI good enough to use as drones, I would anticipate that for them AI would be like a kindergarten reader is to us. They are probably all the way at telekinetic communication and wholesale holographic world creation while we are over here thinking that the letters C, A & T coming together to mean cat is borderline magic.
There are billions of planets that can sustain life. To me it’s entirely logical that entire solar systems could be experimental zones and not even at a high level. This whole planet could be a 25th dimension kid’s forgotten 10 gallon tetra tank; cool when it was new but doomed by neglect.
>People have historically died, lost careers, lost family due to this secret.
So let me tell you all about it? Seems legit
The 4chan guy said these are not inter dimensional but literally aliens from another planet. They also said the beings had weapons but yet never seemed to use them which didn’t make sense.
I could absolutely see how the beings could be biological Ai. Just from the stories of them crashing and dying within a few days — If you were that advanced I’m thinking you hopefully wouldn’t leave a man behind on such a pre historic planet they would view us as. They seem dispensable kind of?
t-t-t-t-t-trust me bro territory.
I would love to take all this at face value. I’ve been following this topic for 40 years and would love to get something resembling closure. I just don’t get how this is all playing out the way it is.
> I know that Grusch has only limited ability to talk about this subject. He did get clearance to speak to a certain extent but he MUST withhold quite a bit in order to avoid very serious law violations
So is he a whistleblower or not? He seems to be divulging information that you would expect to be covered under whatever non-disclosure agreement he is bound by. Why is the stuff he’s divulged OK to divulge but not the rest of what he knows?
> this retrieval program is REAL and is the most highly classified program in the US. The program is called ZODIAC and this may or may not come out in the public hearings soon
OK, so how/why is this one person now giving away major secrets if it’s so highly classified?
Again, I fully support revealing whatever information exists. I’d just like to understand the nuances around how this disclosure is being handled by the government.