Делавэрские НЛО?

Delaware UFOs?
byu/AT_Oscar inUFOs

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45 комментарий для “Делавэрские НЛО?”
  1. I have gotten to the point that no UFO video is interesting to me unless the camera is stable, objects like trees or telephone poles are in the shot for scale AND the objects change direction at high speed.

  2. What time was it and was there a storm that afternoon/evening? It looks like the sun has set not long ago — could be planes catching sunlight still because of their altitude?

    As for the number of lights, if there’s a big storm it’ll cause a ATC backup at the airport, needing the incoming air traffic to circle for a while but then form up in a line as they make their approaches.

    Happens in Denver a lot. We have intense sunsets and afternoon/evening thunderstorms near the airport.

  3. I live in Asia and I confirm these are lanterns you can see they move in the same direction of wind and they will gradually lift up higher over time until the fuel run out.

  4. Ive only ever seen on UAP in my life and it was in Delaware. Dover Air Force base is nearby and regularly has aircraft in the sky visible from anywhere in Delaware.

    The UAP I saw was at night in/around the Christiana area. It was long strip of about 6 lights or so, like a massive wingspan of something. It was flying real low and made no noise whatsoever. A buddy of mine had seen it a night or two previously as well. This was in 2013 or so.

  5. These have to be Chinese lanterns, considering How Bidens compound is right down the road and any time even a little single seat airplane gets too close it’s FULLY ARMED FIGHTER JETS EVERYWHERE around northern Baltimore area.

  6. Location: Wilmington, DE
    Date of sighting: May 14, 2023
    Time of sighting: 8:58PM EST
    Duration of sighting: 1 min
    Number of witnesses: 1
    Descripton of sighting: Came home from work and noticed 5 dots in the sky moving straight. Didn’t seem like airplanes or helicopters. Couldn’t be stars as they were moving. 2 orbs(dots) were ahead of the 3 mostly shown in the footage. Didn’t hear any abnormal sounds.

  7. I do not believe these to be UFOs. I’ve seen similar things and they usually turn out to be satellites or just some sort of buoyant object in the atmosphere. Sorry.

  8. They are not lanterns. If you spend enough time on the beaches of Sussex County you will see these orange orbs rise out of the Atlantic and travel from there. There are MUFON reports of the same phenomena. It happens frequently enough the skeptics could easily see this for themselves if they spent a month or two stargazing the beaches between Rehoboth and the Maryland border each night. I mean serious skywatching from sunset until at least 3am. The darker skies start in Bethany Beach. It is not a coincidence that the Atlantic also happens to be the same region many Navy and Airforce pilots claim to see objects an a regular basis. The famous “cube within a sphere” sightings occurred over Atlantic.

    If you go, bring your binoculars so you can confirm it isn’t someone releasing paper Chinese lanterns from a canoe at 1am to celebrate a greeting card holiday. Delaware has great beaches and nightlife. No reason to not take a vacation there and actually do some research away from your keyboard this summer.

  9. My first comment was «Chinese lanterns»..and then it was removed because it was «low effort» so again Chinese lanterns…also I absolutely hate this app..not sure why I open it up..I enjoy ufo content that’s all it’s good for

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