Вы упускаете суть. Это не должно быть «раскрытием» или «доказательством». Это серьезный сдвиг в повествовании и путеводная звезда для официального расследования.

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За последние 5 лет (с момента [2017 New York Times article](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/16/us/politics/pentagon-program-ufo-harry-reid.html)) повествование было таким: * \~В нашем небе есть **вещи которые мы не можем объяснить** с нашим пониманием законов физики.\~ [Obama](https://futurism.com/barack-obama-aliens), [Lue Elizondo](https://www.washingtonpost.com/washington-post-live/2021/06/08/ufos-national-security-with-luis-elizondo-former-director-advanced-aerospace-threat-identification-program-aatip /), * \~Нам нужно **устранить стигматизацию** и настроить надлежащие каналы для наших пилотов, чтобы сообщать об НЛО. Это **проблема безопасности полета**\~ [Ryan Graves](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/26/us/politics/ufo-sightings-navy-pilots.html). лет.\~ [NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/16/us/politics/pentagon-program-ufo-harry-reid.html) Это привело к нескольким важным вехам, таким как [first congressional hearings on UFOs](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/17/us/politics/congress-ufo-hearing.html) за 50 лет создание [AARO](https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3100053/dod-announces-the-installation-of-the-all-domain-anomaly-resolution-office/) и другие, [whistleblower protection](https://www.engadget.com/ufo-whistleblower-protection-102055820.html) для тех, кто знаком с программами поиска НЛО и т. д. Все это важные шаги вперед в раскрытии информации. **Теперь повествование изменилось.** Теперь Дэвид Груш продвигает **разговор** на 5 шагов вперед. Теперь мы прямо *говорим* о том, что США обладают нечеловеческими кораблями и нечеловеческими телами. Никаких инсинуаций, метафор, хождения вокруг да около или лукавых шуток. Это прямое заявление о том, что США разбивали находящиеся в их распоряжении НЛО и «инопланетные» тела. Это никогда даже не обсуждалось на высоком уровне в основных СМИ или в правительстве. Сейчас мы вступаем на эту территорию. Это важно. Это не доказательство. Это не доказательство. Это не раскрытие. Но это большой шаг вперед в направлении **официального расследования по надлежащим каналам** к тому, что большинство из нас подозревает в действительности. Моя интерпретация всего этого такова, что есть часть правительства и военных подрядчиков, которые хотят сохранить это в секрете, и другие части, которые хотят знать правду. Дэвид дает им надежную зацепку, чтобы они постучали в нужные двери. Полномочия и репутация Дэвида действительно имеют значение в этом контексте, особенно без доказательств или доказательств. Мы движемся в правильном направлении. Но не ждите, что большинство людей воспримут это как «доказательство» или «доказательство» существования инопланетян или НЛО, потому что это не так. **Это изменение повествования и информация для официального расследования.**

От admin

43 комментарий для “Вы упускаете суть. Это не должно быть «раскрытием» или «доказательством». Это серьезный сдвиг в повествовании и путеводная звезда для официального расследования.”
  1. I think we also need to drive home the fact that although there is no public evidence — this man has briefed congress and as a result helped to DRAFT LAW including whistleblower protection, and language targeting these programs and their disinformation campaigns directly — on top of his testimony under oath to the ICIG.

    That is… pretty enormous.

  2. Absolutely. It’s amazing how people here feel they have the moral authority to feign horror that they’ve not been given a free ride on a space ship.

    I’m already fed-up of explaining to people just how big this is, if they don’t get it or like it, move on.

    I’ve spent decades following this topic and this is by far the biggest break-through I’ve ever seen.

  3. The significance of this story and what makes it different is “in July 2021, Grusch confidentially provided classified information to the Department of Defense Inspector General about the withheld information and believes his identity was disclosed.”
    “Grusch filled whistleblower complaint, alleging that he suffered retaliation for disclosing the confidential information.”

    “The Intelligence Community Inspector General found Mr Grusch’s complaint to be “credible” and “urgent” in July 2022 and a summary was given to the Director of National Intelligence, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.”
    If he made all of this up and testified under oath to the IG he could face criminal prosecution. This isn’t some former intelligence person speaking at a UFO conference. He’s risking a lot

  4. I quite agree with the broad strokes I just can’t help feel, for than simply a narrative — this is the opening gambit in a legal chess game.

    As things stand, one side has to lie in order to maintain it’s story: this isn’t new, this is actually how the UFO narrative has been for years, locked in a perpetual stalemate — this is a direct attempt to catch the DoD out in a *direct* lie while under oath.

    That *can* be prosecuted, legally. All our talk of little grey men and retrieved extraterrestrial technology really isn’t — and never has — ever gotten anyone terribly far.

    Yes, it’s gotten us to the point of re-opening Congressional interest but, realistically — this route is never going to lead to any kind of disclosure the UFO Community want. As anyone who’s been following this know, The UAP Transparency Act effectively circumvents *all* established public right to know mechanisms procedures — the public hearings are just for show, actual classified briefings take part behind closed session: Congressional hearings are more about Congress assessing it’s potential liabilities inherited from *previous* administrations.

    You’re not going to get «disclosure» via that route — however, kind of like the way the FBI eventually got Al Capone on Tax Evasion rather than his other criminal activities — a case like this, that of a respected, decorated former officer directly accusing the DoD of lying under oath — *that* pushes proceedings into territory the Law can actually act upon.

    Whoever’s behind the legal team backing David Grusch — and, whoever they are, they’re clearly not without considerable financial resource — knows the DoD *has* to lie in order to discredit or refute any of Mr Grusch’s claims, hence why this very publicly mounted challenge to the DoD.

    Grusch’s legal team are perfectly prepared to let this go to trial — it’s what they want, they know — in the public arena, debate about this will just go an and one without any kind of resolution for years and, as far as the Congressional route goes — Congress are under absolutely zero compulsion to release any of its actual findings to the public, as I say — that hope was stymied with the drafting of the actual act itself.

    Therefore, they — whoever is backing David Grusch — seriously are looking for this to go to court, one way or the other.

    In fact they’re counting on it, and the DoD have no way to avoid it. It’s already something of a fait accompli…

  5. What is also frustrating to me is people continuing to say that this is just more of the same. The only thing that remains the same is the lack of physical evidence, the narrative has changed dramatically.

    I recall immediately after the 60 minutes segment aired in 2021, the focus was on craft and there was absolutely no talk of non-human intelligence.

    Lou, Mellon, Graves and others all talked about strange objects making extraordinary manoeuvres. They did not even want to hint at what may be piloting them.

    With the whistleblower, that conversation has changed almost instantaneously to «what is inside and what controls these objects?»

  6. I completely agree. I wish more people kept their cool about all this. I believe this whistleblower, but for many people this still sounds crazy. Disclosure needs to be installed, and we just got another percent on the installation bar.

  7. I disagree. This is not proof, but is evidence, and apparently the proof has been submitted to the IG and Congress.

    Also, disclosure is a process, not an event. Where this is part of the process, it is disclosure.

  8. I really don’t think undeniable evidence that causes an earth shattering revelation will come out of a senate hearing or a news interview. That would be one of the most significant moments in human history and I think if it were about to happen, the govt would get ahead of it and we’d get an oval office speech followed by a data release.

  9. Can someone explain to me why this is an argument? Not specific to this headline but the argument of whether he is full of crap or telling the truth. Once he swears under oath and testifies that’s that done deal. If he lies under oath well he gets arrested. If they refuse to say anything and he doesn’t get arrested that speaks miles. If they do say something that would be incredible. So under what circumstance are people thinking he’s full of crap? Like do they think he isn’t going to testify when push comes to shove? We shall see but ask your self why this man would ruin his reputation if he just backs out, he ruins his life if he lies under oath. Where is the Lie and win scenario if he is BSing I’m genuinely curious I’m wondering what the circumstances are where this David Grusch wins if he’s full of crap. Where is the win for him? I mean it appears no body would put them selves into this circumstance if they were lying.

  10. My pessimism is going to show, so I apologize up front.

    Who do you expect to conduct an objective, publicly available investigation? The Intel community that is/has been hiding information for years? Or Congress, that investigates things like the porn on Hunter Biden’s laptop and other politically motivated endeavors?

    I don’t trust an investigation and as excited as I am about this conversation, we’ve been jerked around enough. Put up the physical evidence or shut up

  11. It’s kind of crazy that we are here with this being a news headline. But it’s scary that the American government is the leading push on all the «global disclosure» sure would be terrible if this was all leading up to a false flag attack by «aliens» somewhere on earth using top of the line tech that has been mistaken for alien all these years. It’s terrible to say but America has been SUPER Shady in the past and using BS to make money off of other people’s lives. Can’t waste an oppertunity now can they? But this is crazy talk…. Is it?

  12. People aren’t «missing the point» — you’re just being way more favourable with your interpretation of events. You’re excusing a lack of evidence with narrative and peripheral fluff. That isn’t meaningful.

  13. «This is not disclosure»

    Unless you believe somebody is lying (which btw is a totally justifiable position to take), what exactly are you waiting for to label this as «disclosure»? You know what that word means right?

  14. We have to accept the reality of our society. I believe a substantial percentage of our worlds population won’t believe it NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, unless abducted themselves.

    This is something akin to racism. It’ll take generations to fully accept by society. It’s already been generations and we’ve barely scratched the surface.

    I’ve accepted the reality that religious persons and really brainwashed or close minded persons, won’t accept it for anything. They’ll die thinking the world was tricking them.

    It’ll be 100 years I believe before the President talks about this on a podium.

    I hold that last statement at the highest regard of acceptance. Why? Because the president is the most political person there is , and won’t talk about ANYTHING that ostracizes a part of their supporter base. It won’t be til 90% or more accept it.

    I mean it’s 2023 and there are flat earthers still!!! Lol. Not to mention religions running the world. Society as a whole is tremendously out of touch with reality.

  15. On this very sub this was hyped as «Disclosure» and now you’re moving the goalposts to accommodate someone who’s becoming an obvious grifter.

    If we want to be taken seriously, we can’t just take somebody’s «Source: trust me bro» word for it. We. Need. Proof.

  16. “This is huge, but you won’t know it’s huge until after it’s over.”

    Kind of a shifty way to say we’re never gonna know if this is legit, until if one day they say it is.

    Aka every other non factual claim.

  17. Finally. Someone who understands that this isn’t a matter of Grusch telling us that we have these things, and doing so without bothering to provide proof.

    The media will naturally focus on the most explosive element. That’s their job.

    But who Grusch is and tge positions he held, and What he’s saying about the illegality and withheld information is a powerful crack in the sustained wall of secrecy which will (or at least *could*) lead to the evidence that people are clamoring for as a result of his actions.

  18. I agree with all that, and I can only assume those who want hard evidence or consider all this rubbish are people who have followed this for exactly 5 or less years. Anyone who has followed this for decades knows what a big deal this is.

    That said, I don’t agree that AARO is moving anything forward. There is one roadblock.. one branch of the government that has been a stone wall for over 70 years. Why would we trust a supposed group created by them to study UAP? I think like Grudge, like Bluebook, AARO is there to create lies and disinformation and attempt to sweep this back under the rug.

  19. Well said and thank you. The point is how this is being talked about and by who is vastly different than anything ever seen through this struggle between everyday citizens and the US government. I’m not surprised at how easily people take this down rabbit holes to try and discredit that this is a big deal.

    I acknowledge no proof and no hard evidence BUT having a government intelligence professional speak openly and publicly and a huge shift in the narrative from the government. Most of what he said we have discussed or have heard. It’s who we are hearing from and the context around their claims that is valuable.

  20. I will admit I’m very skeptical. Not about the idea that we have craft or that they exist- I already KNOW they exist.

    I’m skeptical that the story is going to go further, skeptical that they will EVER tell us the truth, skeptical that this brave man’s testimony is going to make any difference in the end.

    I’ve just been bitten before. I hope this leads to actual real official disclosure but not holding my breath

  21. Can someone please do an eli5? English is my second language and I’m from Europe, I have no idea about those political lines, who does what and which position is higher than the other etc. Especially I don’t understand how this is not supposed to be evidence but a shift?

    I always believed there are aliens, but none that were visiting earth. They must have lost their minds to visit us or be simultaneously immensely intelligent for those aircrafts and absolutely dumb to contact idiots like us, who fuck up everything we touch.

  22. >We’re heading in the right direction. But don’t expect most people to take this as «proof» or «evidence» that aliens or UFOs exist, because that’s not what this is.

    >It’s a change in narrative, and intel for official investigation.

    Very well said.

  23. See, I would change it to …

    This is *now* proof. This is *now* evidence. This is *now* disclosure.

    *Provided* … Grusch is not lying, they produce the documents/evidence they claim he has, and Congress exerts its power and the IG does as well.

    The claims are huge. Now back them up.

  24. Seeing Tucker bring it up blew my mind. Still am confused how that topics not exploding here. I’m not a fan of his, but he has a HUGE following. That’s a lot of new eyes on a subject from a man they trust a lot.

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