Новости о Джереми Корбелле. Интервью с Breaking Points..

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Мне кажется интересным, что Корбелл так неохотно говорит о своем журналистском непрофессионализме. Он несколько раз упоминает «краудсорсинг». Вроде я понимаю, что он пытается позиционировать себя просто как посланник, но ладно… нет упоминания о Гринвальде-младшем? Нет упоминания о том, что Пентагон ответил на запрос Гринвальда-младшего? Да, это интервью только закрепило тот факт, что Корбеллу небезразлична эта тема, у него действительно «благие намерения», но он также играет в игру. Я не уверен, что это за игра, но его отсутствие общения с законными уфологами, мягко говоря, беспокоит. Если вам нужна прозрачность, простите за мой французский, будьте, блядь, прозрачными. В противном случае вы просто вырываете страницу из книги той самой организации, которую критикуете. 🤦‍♂️

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11 комментарий для “Новости о Джереми Корбелле. Интервью с Breaking Points..”
  1. The following submission statement was provided by /u/Tryingtothink34:

    I am commenting on my post. Would love to have a meaningful in depth discussion about the wonderful topic of UAPs. Corbell seems to be in somewhat of a hot seat. I still like Corbell just keeping more of an eye on the man’s intentions now

    Please reply to OP’s comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/13sjwti/update_on_jeremy_corbell_interview_with_breaking/jlq7izl/

  2. God I can’t stand listening to this man. But he admits in that video, that he doesn’t have video showing the whole sighting: «now I have footage, if I link it together, that spans six minutes» (at 4:06).

    Which means the whole claim that the lights were up much longer than flares could rests solely on statements my witnesses. Witnesses he hasn’t produced yet.

  3. I get the flak he is receiving but do people really think they are flares. They ain’t descending and there is no way flares are going to stay in a uniformed formation for that long!! Not to mention no smoke either.

    Sure I will get some stick here but I’m just not believing that they are flares. Its an easy excuse for debunkers.

  4. I mean he IS the messenger. He’s not the one that saw what happened. He’s reporting what was told to him by US Marines that said they saw it. Do I agree with him on everything? Absolutely not, but he IS the messenger.

  5. He did mention it in his own indirect ways. It’s a military training site, no shit training happen. They literally reversed, zoomed in, stretched and fitted the image until it looked similar. Also why go after Corbell when in reality he said he’s been on this case for 2 years already. He did his dues, he had enough testimonies that it validated in his eyes to be attention worthy. Now wether 50 Marines are really dumb as rocks and can’t identify flares for a solid object… yeah I highly doubt it. There is two cases and two cases only in this scenario, the marines are telling the truth and it was a craft, or they all lied and or is dumb as crayons and put their reputation on the line while doing it since the media attention is quite big…. As a prior service member I highly doubt they would lie, so choose your truth wisely.

  6. >A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with said person or organization. Shills can carry out their operations in the areas of media, journalism, marketing, politics, sports, confidence games, cryptocurrency, or other business areas. A shill may also act to discredit opponents or critics of the person or organization in which they have a vested interest

  7. I don’t understand the mentality of “the government is liars so I hope these whistleblowers tell the truth, well they aren’t being honest with us about classified information”… When the truth arrives it will not be on your television.

  8. Kenyon needs to eat his hat (fedora most likely) at high noon. Then him and knapp need to ride off into the sunset together and never return (they can take liezar with em). He’s either incredibly stupid, or a paid government disinformation tool. Perhaps both.

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