НЛО в форме сигары, сфотографированный в 1967 году вблизи Нью-Йорка,США

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6SRaNRdwoMAWTxxfxhtTDTTbutltzBc6BOGbK 7IMog

НЛО в форме сигары, сфотографированный Джо Ферьером и кадрами Гарольда Трудела недалеко от Нью-Йорка, США, в 1967/1968 годах (HD-фотографии в конце видео)


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27 комментарий для “НЛО в форме сигары, сфотографированный в 1967 году вблизи Нью-Йорка,США”
  1. I saw the exact same craft when I was 12 years old in 1988, over the Meadowlands in Hudson County. It first ascended vertically, coming to a complete stop, then slowly tilting to a horizontal position, then slowly cruising in the direction of Newark International Airport. It was also in broad daylight around 5:30pm in August

  2. I can’t imagine the thrill that would overtake me being able to witness such a fascinating piece of physical hardware in a remote setting where nobody else is around _presumably for miles_

    I think seeing something so bizarre back in that time (late 60s) would be all the more interesting given how far behind we were technologically as a species. Now we’ve got smartphones in all our pockets, cars that can drive themselves, and we constantly hear a bunch of chatter about AIs recent advancements (which has its own ginormous set of implications)

    The cigar shaped object sightings have been seen and reported far too frequently for me to believe that there isn’t _something_ going on behind the scenes.

    One of my biggest questions I find myself asking is what is with the cigar shape? In other words why is this such a commonly seen shape, and what does it contribute in terms of aerodynamic capability?

  3. I’ve heard the stories about the cigar-shaped UFO many times before, but I’ve never seen it until now. Major props to this man for keeping his cool and providing us with this excellent footage using very dated technology in the form of an old video camera. This could NOT have been easy.

  4. IDK. It seems they were friends who ran a UFO magazine(Probe), and they were out looking for UFO’s when he got this. He just happened to have his camera set to go. (According to him.) The magazine was close to bankruptcy until this, and has since shuddered it’s doors. Most UFO researchers of then, and now believed it’s a hoax.

    ‘Trudel’s credibility took a serious hit 16 years later, when the nationally syndicated television show «PM Magazine» aired video that Trudel said he had shot in September 1968 — but never mentioned until 1983 — of a cylindrical object moving across the sky in the Cumberland woods off Tower Hill Road.
    «I would be inclined to think it’s a hoax,» Walter N. Webb told The Journal in 1983. Webb was assistant director of the Charles Hayden Planetarium in Boston and a 30-year veteran of UFO investigations. He said the motion of the «UFO» suggested a small tube suspended on a thin horizontal wire and pulled along by a thread — not a large spaceship.’


  5. Reminds me of the Guild Navigator ships from Dune (at least I think that’s who they belonged to) that transported the Atreides from Caladan to Arrakis.

    Edit: they’re called Heighliners. They fold space and acted essentially as teleporters or portals onscreen. Powered by the Spice Melange.

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