Крайне тревожно видеть, что разворачивается прямо перед нами

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Я не говорю здесь о UAP, что само по себе невероятно. И все указывает на один и тот же вывод, что NHI существует. Я даже не хочу вдаваться в это. Тревожно то, что все вокруг нас контролируется кем-то или чем-то, о чем мы не знаем. Возьмем, к примеру, инцидент в Рендлшемском лесу. Просто введите его в Google, и Google даже не предложит ничего, связанного с ним, когда вы его вводите. При поиске вы не увидите, чтобы об этом говорили какие-либо крупные СМИ. Что ясно говорит нам о том, что этим СМИ велят не говорить об этом. Рассказал кто? И даже таким организациям, как Google, запрещено побуждать пользователей изучать его. Это лишь одна из многих тревожных вещей. Если вы внимательно изучите этот конкретный случай, вы увидите, что медицинские записи Джона Берроуза и Джеймса Пеннистона засекречены. Даже Джон и Джеймс не имеют доступа к своим медицинским записям с 1979 по 1981 год. Вирджиния даже отказывала им в льготах до 2015 года, когда Джон, наконец, выиграл дело против них, что само по себе весьма важно, потому что они косвенно признали, что UAP существуют, и их можно использовать. вредны для человека. Но и об этом абсолютно никаких новостей. Подробнее об инциденте в Рендлшемском лесу: https://youtu.be/z6TRZQfPjQE https://www.rdrnews.com/news/national/john-burroughs-and-the-governments-unprecedented-acknowledgment/article_22fde1e0-eac0-11ed-bb5f -a3db8e1a9427.html (Пожалуйста, поправьте меня, если я что-то не так понял) Это настолько запутанно, что все это произошло и происходит прямо перед нами, и все, кроме людей, непосредственно вовлеченных в это, кажется, согласны с этим.

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27 комментарий для “Крайне тревожно видеть, что разворачивается прямо перед нами”
  1. at least for me, someone who never googles these things, the second suggestion for «rendlesham forest» is «rendlesham forest incident»

    then, the first link that pops up after the Wikipedia summary is a BBC article about the incident («Rendlesham Forest UFO: Are we any closer to the truth 40 years on?»)

  2. We are past the information age and into the disinformation age! Doesn’t matter if you have a PhD or didn’t graduate from high school. It is nearly impossible to tell what is true of false or how much bias any conclusion has from academia to MSM. Your reality is not in your control.

  3. You’re talking about the non-transparent algorithms taking over everything, right?

    Welcome to the train wreck in slow motion. It’s a crawling expansion spread over the last decades, and started way before the current wave of AI hype. If you’re from the US, you’re probably used to the FICO score which no one questions anymore; if you have a business with a website, you need to appease the search engine gods with tips and tricks; and now, a combo of magic incantations that their operators have embarrassingly little control over, determines what will be seen or not by most people.

    On the positive side, the EU now has Digital Services Act and AI Act, which are steps in the right direction IMO. The CEO of OpenAI went on a worldwide tour a month ago trying to negotiate exceptions for his solutions — hopefully, they didn’t budge.

    This lack of transparency is something I’m fighting against on my day job, as an aside.

  4. Google suggested it for me.

    typed only «rendle»

    first suggestion for did you mean was » rendlesham forest camping» which is prob more common, but 8th on list is «rendlesham forest incident».

    Maybe Op’s window wasn’t able to show that many suggestions to show 8th or it is based off of their prev searches or such .. but google aint blocking info on it for me. They suggested it.

    Also I think that’s pretty famous incident.. I’ve seen shows I think more than once about ufo incident at England military base.. prob that case.

    Might want to chill on the paranoia. I think when it comes to far out stuff like aliens and ufo or stuff with governments it’s important to keep emotions chill. It’s easy to get excited w/ this stuff and slip into mania but the world will always keep on turning and no reason to excited and manic about anything. It doesn’t help. It’s good to have cool demeanor under presssure or any situation. And if you have cool calm demeanor you can pretty much share any ideas no matter how far out w/ anyone and people won’t think your crazy or whatever if you’re calm.. but what scares people away is manic energy or any potential unstable emotions. .. and rightly so. Keeping emotions calm is not just about presenting to others, but also your own health and well being. heightened emotions can turn into a self fueling thing that burns you out or gets you behaving in ways you later regret. Spend time thinking and doing other things. Sleep exercise socialize etc. try to live healthy life and don’t get too worked up about this stuff.

    I say this not to judge and say you shouldn’t get some paranoia and excitement.. but rather because it’s normal to slip into paranoia and mania and such w/ these topics. Aim to be self aware of those emotions and stay mellow. The world is not on your shoulders to figure all this stuff out and tell everyone… there’s lots of people working to disclose this stuff now and more will just keep coming out in the open. 🙂

  5. Rupert Murdoch may be the one telling all his media outlets not to cover it has been proven he has a say in what they publish. The fact of the matter is the major media outlets don’t need to report on something for the event to be important or concerning.

    We need to let go of the idea that a major media outlet reporting on something makes it any more or less true.

  6. >When you search it, you won’t see any larger media outlets talking about it. Which clearly tells us that these media outlets are told not to talk about it.

    It happened 40 years ago. Why on earth would any media outlet talk about it? The original articles are not on the internet because the WWW did not exist back then, and there is no good reason to write new articles about it today, because there are no new details the media could report on.

  7. >I am not talking about the UAPs here which is an incredible thing itself. And everything points towards the same conclusion that NHI exists.

    Nothing points to this. There has been literally no actual evidence. None at all.

  8. Thing is, you can use this for any topic. It all has to do with power, money, corruption etc. If someone or a company can benefit, they will. And the longer they keep everyone else in the dark the more wealth they can accumulate. Panama Papers, oil companies, lobbying in general, Mortgage-Backed Securities, and we can go on and on. Everyone knows, no one can do a thing about it and most times people are not even jailed.

    Same with aliens, spaceships and tech. Keep everything quiet so someone else can profit. While we pay our mortgages, work hard to get by and keep buying crap we don’t really need.

  9. Op you might get some value out of this interesting doco. I’m still not sure what to make of it (after one watch so far) but it crosses a lot of similar paths to your post


    > *Can’t Get You Out of My Head: An Emotional History of the Modern World is a six-part BBC documentary television series created by Adam Curtis. It was released on BBC iPlayer on 11 February 2021.*


    > *Like many of Curtis’ previous works, the documentary explores and links together various topics such as individualism, collectivism, conspiracy theories, national myths, American imperialism, the history of China, artificial intelligence and the failure of technology to liberate society in the way that technological utopians once hoped it might.*

  10. Is there anyone considered credible and deep in the lore who has optimistic views and ideas about current events?

    A universal consciousness sounds promising if not construed to be something harnessed by hostile inter-dimensional beings farmings us, for instance.

  11. «When you search it, you won’t see any larger media outlets talking about it. Which clearly tells us that these media outlets are told not to talk about it. »

    This is unsubstantiated conspiratorial thinking. There’s no basis whatsoever for the claim that there’s some single controlling power that’s silencing discussion everywhere. This is frankly ridiculous.

    The reality is that:

    -The news tends to favor that which is *new.* The Rendlesham case is not new.
    -Even new UFO stories have to compete with a huge amount of others news that’s relevant to our lives, and some that isnt.
    -UFOs are not a subject of interest to everyone, only a minority most likely. The media has a financial incentive to appeal not to minority interests (model train builders, rodeo attendees, classical music enthusiasts, etc.) but to the topics that would appeal to majority interests.
    -The media in general, but not universally, is still prey to the UFO stigma — even covering UFO stories invites the criticism of not being intellectually serious.
    -Even if the media covered the UFO topic more, there’s no good reason to single out, e.g., the Rendlesham forest case, as interesting as it is.
    -There are parts of the media that do already cover UFO stories like the History Channel.

    Given events over the past several years, I think the media *should* be covering UFO topics more often and in a more serious and in depth manner. However, that they’re not is no indication that some grand conspiracy is behind it all.

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