Просто чтобы все знали, это изображение — просто фотошоп другого изображения Чужого.

Просто чтобы все знали, это изображение — просто фотошоп другого изображения Чужого.

46 комментариев для “Просто чтобы все знали, это изображение — просто фотошоп другого изображения Чужого.

  1. Classic debunker post claiming to have irrefutable proof something is NOT real but then fails to produce any actual data to support their claim. Posted and then instantly swarmed with validating view points, shortly after a picture which has never been debunked surfaces again — as this photo tends to do every few years. Fucking grasping at straws bUt iTx oBv pHoToShoP — NHI is real, this could be a picture of one, but watch this comment get downvoted to oblivion.

    What if…the individual who created the image on the right was inspired by the image on the left?

  2. Probably close to real as it gets, I don’t wanna see that outside at night feedin my cats n racoons, ya think you’ll be ready but the monkey run screaming instinct is gonna win at first.

  3. Let’s say someone posts a REAL pic of an alien. Then the “government” removes that photo, takes the pic & edits it slightly on Photoshop and reposts it…. Thats literally all it takes to make EVERYONE believe it’s fake??? Ya’ll look silly.
    This could be real and nobody will know for sure. Everything will be considered “fake” until the President himself gives an official statement with photos.

  4. How close are we to disclosure?

    Everytime something gets debunked, bunked or rebunked, we have a bunch of temper tantrums being thrown directly at faces of people and/or bots, in the comments.

    We are that close.

  5. You guys are your biggest problem. You could be given actual evidence of aliens and you’d pretend to be experts with the «photoshop» this and «fake» that.

    Let’s get something clear right fucking now: none of you, not one of you, is an expert in anything related to what does or does not exist in the universe, and you make a complete ass of yourself pretending that you do.

    Some of the most closed open minds I’ve ever encountered frequent this subreddit and it’s astoundingly pathetic.

  6. No one here has asked for the source of the “Another Alien Image”? Didn’t someone post something similar where they said an image of a dead alien is of a toy but the toy never released or came out after the image? OP if you’re discrediting, please put some effort in the post and compare dates of the 2 images and then come to a conclusion and also provide this conclusion to the public. You can very much be correct but this sub is being attacked and it isn’t too far fetched that stuff is made up after a real image gets out to discredit it.

  7. I’ve noticed that sometimes when an alien photo comes out after it a second similar photo comes out, I think this is 101 disinformation. Actually it makes the first photo more believable just because of the second. The 4chan reptilian alien photo that was corrupted and then some pathetic lame shit after it was so obviously a cover up.

  8. The one on the left was posted on Reddit somewhere a few months ago and someone pretty quickly debunked it as a drawing. They even had a link to the artist’s original page. I tried to find it the last time this was posted recently but it’s impossible to find now. But it’s a drawing.

  9. There are many folds/creases in the skin that are present in the «car» pic vs the «non-car» pic and vice versa. There is also two light spots in the left eye (our left, their right) but not in the «original» photo. I am definitely seeing many differences. Admittedly these are things that can be photoshopped, however, it is still note-worthy nonetheless. Stay diligent!

  10. The reason aliens give me the creeps is what if they have that crazy gorilla grip strength and can easily rip limbs off. Other than that, I’d like to believe it’s possible to get along with them if they weren’t so mysterious.

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