Ави Лоэб пыхтит вместе

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Ави Лоуб обнаружил, что сталь X5 с титаном разбита и распределена по дну океана в соответствии с тем, что можно было бы ожидать от Объекта, вошедшего в нашу атмосферу. Это *не* означает, что они Аномальные или что этот объект был «сделанным» объектом. «Предел текучести стали S5, 1,7 ГПа, значительно выше, чем у железных метеоритов. Это согласуется с тем фактом, что IM1 был прочнее по прочности материала, чем все другие 272 метеора в каталоге CNEOS НАСА. извлекаемые осколки почти плоские — как будто это поверхностные слои, отколотые от технологического объекта, подвергшегося экстремальным материальным нагрузкам.Железные метеориты разбиваются на мелкие кусочки, которые расплавляются огненным шаром в шарики, которые падают дождем и извлекаются в разбросанных полях почти сферические осколки». Наука это круто.

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30 комментарий для “Ави Лоэб пыхтит вместе”
  1. I’ve been listening to Loeb on podcasts for years talking about this Galileo project and how he wanted it to be as open to the public as possible to counteract the usual culture of silence and taboo in Science, especially around UAP related possibilities.

    I am glad he is following through and documenting it so openly at the moment. He has multiple times he doesn’t care if he is proven wrong, and he doesn’t see it as a humiliation, as long as the scientic method of gathering more data points and analysing more evidence is faithfully followed.

    It’s really important for science and scientists to be trusted by the public. It is not just the play thing of academic elites in the corridors of universities to get medals jobs and awards.

  2. We should know something more definitive soon:

    >*We are currently studying the gray-type shards with our gamma-ray spectrometer. A lack of short-lived radioactive isotopes, like Aluminum-26, could be used to infer an extraterrestrial origin of these shards if they spent much more time than the half-life of these isotopes in interstellar space. Given the known speed of IM1 outside the solar system, its travel time through the Milky-Way galaxy was likely many millions or perhaps billions of years — leaving no trace of short-lived isotopes. In contrast, any trash thrown into the ocean should have the well-known abundances of rare radioactive isotopes on Earth.*


    >*The sled was launched into Run 8 this afternoon. In the coming days, we will know more. It is possible that we will conclude that the shards are all human made based on the results from the gamma-ray spectrometer and further analysis of the XRF data. As Richard Feynman noted, the pleasure of doing science is in finding things out.*

  3. It’s telling to me that Avi’s expedition isn’t getting as much traction here as speculation of aliens coming from higher dimensions or the Press «F» for dead humans who were shot by space aliens thread.

    Despite the fact the sub is called «UFOS» and we’re here to discuss anomalous objects that are in the skies, underwater and everywhere in-between.

    I agree, Avi’s log should be pinned so people can be forced to watch a scientist try to figure out what scraps of metal might be at the bottom of the ocean. It’s how you ACTUALLY find shit out…believe it or not.

  4. I’m so happy this is happening without Loeb being made out a crazy person.

    Concerning this find, my only worry would be if wathever they found could be just debris from a boat or maybe even just trash floating around. Hopefully further analysis of the material rejects this notion.

  5. You have to admire the effort. Even if the USA government came out now saying they have ufo’s, I’d still be skeptical (if no physical evidence is presented of course).

    For me, this seems like the only way we can currently find proper answers.

  6. S5 steel isn’t exotic but as far as I know it can’t occur naturally so we can say with a relatively high degree of confidence that these fragments are «made», but for now they’re still probably just human made. Let’s see what the further sled runs find and how the gamma ray spectrometer tests go, that could make things more interesting.

  7. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t use the original title of the article for your post?

    >We Recovered Shock-Resisting Steel in the Debris Field of the First Recognized Interstellar Meteor, IM1

    Also, why are seemingly downplaying that it might be «anomalous», when Avi himself is clearly asking questions regarding the odd nature of the find?

    >Does this coincidence mean that we have recovered fragments from IM1? And if so, why would an interstellar object be made of steel unless it was manufactured technologically? The technological origin would be consistent with the flat shape of the recovered shards in Runs 6 and 7 on June 18–19, 2023. The speed of IM1 outside the solar system was higher than any human-made spacecraft so far.

  8. Its great how open and transparent they are being. I’ve always had an interest science and this is super interesting to see a study/expedition in real time. I think it great for science in general. Science should be exiting asking questions about the unknown making a hypothesis and then testing it. Talk is cheap just take a look at the nasa study.. I’m loving seeing it in action and making science accessible to the public.

  9. Crazy theory: The US government shot down this UFO but never recovered it, maybe because it was well hidden beneath the ocean. Now, in light of the iminent disclosure, instead of confessing they held UFOs since the 40’s they send this scientist make a «surprise» discovery of a crashed alien artifact.

  10. «As it turns out, the magnetic sled bumped into a solid object in Run 6, but this encounter was not captured by the sled’s camera because it ran out of batteries.»

    How convenient. As always.

  11. > As it turns out, the magnetic sled bumped into a solid object in Run 6, but this encounter was not captured by the sled’s camera because it ran out of batteries.

    Groan. For real? What a tragic coincidence. I hope they go back and have a look at what it was.

  12. I’m really enjoying this, but it’s important to be cautious. In science, it’s very common to think you have one thing on a Tuesday, then on further thought and analysis by Thursday you realize it wasn’t anything important.

    Careful analysis must be done before any claims of something «anomalous» is discovered. For an object with interstellar origin, whether technological or natural, it would be great to see some kind of isotopic anomaly or residual radioactivity, as would be expected for anything having been flying around in space where radiation levels are very high.

  13. How long do we think he can search without finding anything? The advantage of his program from a grifting/pseudoscience entertainment perspective is that you can always extend the search to new places, objects, methods, each time you come up empty handed. You can also present ambiguous data/materials/accounts as “proof-along-the-way” to keep the program going in the face of not finding anything. At the same time, how long are we willing to wait (or how much hyped-up-ambiguity-as-evidence are we willing to tolerate) before we put him in the same category as Harvard-trained astronomer Percival Lowell?

  14. Galileo will be no longer need funding once the disclosure process confirms NHI craft and beings, and that we already have NHI craft and are reverse engineering the technology. If the US and other governments come clean then it seems to be game over for SETI and Galileo. Which will be a momentous moment in world history.

    I just cannot get excited about some pieces of metal dredged up from the ocean floor when full size craft are already recovered, and possibly we have built copies using human engineering.

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