Какой здесь консенсус?

Какой здесь консенсус?

27 комментариев для “Какой здесь консенсус?

  1. For me, it’s very simple.. it’s that there is a small group of humans that think they can control the information to the mass of humanity who have absolutely no right doing so.

    While the unknown is scary and exciting, the fact that there is a group that thinks they can speak for us all as a human race is the worst part of all.

    You don’t have the right to make those decisions.

  2. Oddly for me it was a two fold event.

    Eventually you get to abductions and it gets very scary.

    Then for some reason that quote from Neitzsche kept coming to mind…» if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.»

    Yep, I took a break. Came back to the ever dangling carrot of disclosure. Different names but the same bs. No one still knows anything for a fact. Zippo.

    Sometimes I feel its like, well for lack of a better word, the witch doctor conspiracy, with our government as the witch doctor. Witch doctors basically noticed things they had no control over and use it to acquire power. Like an eclipse. Pass the knowledge down and you can play that card for awhile. I feel our government is the same. They have the tech to see something is going on. They have zero control over it and make whatever story they need to fir the time.

    Anyways, yeah I think when I began to believe that this is more than nuts and bolts flying saucers that did it for me.

  3. Well once you realize you been getting screwed over for years when life could be so much better. Yes I suppose so. Trillions going to black projects instead of curing disease because big.money insurance and hospital s make soo much money from cancer why cure it? Been lied to for 70 years and we pay their salaries.

  4. I’d say knowing that there’s a bit of a connection between Christianity and alien lore means you’re too deep. It’s been reported that abductions will stop if you invoke the name of Jesus Christ, plus the Betty Andreason abduction was pretty blatantly religious.

  5. If you start getting too deep into the spiritual side of things: assuming anyone knows what they (aliens) believe and/or have proven in their own history. Until we actually have an open connection with a distant culture any assumptions that we make are all creative writing.

  6. «When a person embarks on the path of sorcery, they become aware in a gradual manner that ordinary life has been forever left behind. That knowledge is indeed a frightening affair. That the means of the ordinary world are no longer a buffer for them. And that they must adopt a new way of life if they are going to survive.» — Carlos Castaneda, A Separate Reality

  7. I wonder if we have never been alone and this 3rd spatial dimension experience might be a larval stage of consciousness for the 4th and 5th spatial dimensions. I wonder if the 5th and 4th spatial dimensions can observe everything in the 3rd spatial dimension as if line of sight does not matter and even the neuronal activity of the human brain can be observed. I wonder if observers in the 3rd spatial dimension can not collapse a probability wave in the 4th or 5th spatial dimension but observers in higher spatial dimensions can collapse a probability wave in a lower spatial dimension. I wonder about really weird things.

  8. Tbh waiting for something to new to surprise me UFO lore is getting a bit thin these days, worst case scenarios have been covered, being tortured for eternity by interdimensional beings, doesn’t sound that different to some religious thinking.

    Basically just waiting for the UFO disclosure and what fruit that will shake from the UFO tree. Looks like a lot of good people are pushing for this, looks like a lot of mainstream journalists have gotten behind this, politicians & important ones are on board. So yeah fingers crossed.

    But the worrying scenario for me is that its kept secret for humanities good. That something so sinister is going on, they can’t compromise the security of it & they are willing to go as far as overthrowing the US government. Because keeping a tight lid on this is so important.

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