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How did you watch it, its hard to find
This movie and the Fourth Kind have given me nightmares for years. Small grays visiting me in the night or strapped down on some examination table. Freaking out now typing this….
I will find you, and I will abduct you
I watched this when I came out. Totally forgot it existed. Didn’t realize it was by Spielberg
got the dvd boxed
I wonder if Spiel lurks here and r/ufo haha
No joke, alien abductions movies are the only “boogie man movies” that will keep me awake at night after watching them.
Last year, my girlfriend’s sister texted her. And said she saw a UFO flying in the sky near her house, it was around 10 pm.
I’m not going to lie. It took me an extra hour to get to sleep that night.
Signs was a movie i didnt want to watch again by myself. I have an almond field behind my house and every time i get home at night and park my truck in the back, i always remember that movie. If i would say it didnt scare me while i was back there, i would be lying to u all.
Love that show!!!
One of my fav tv shows of all time!
I have the DVD boxed set. It’s a really good series.
Supremely underrated series
It’s the great show.
I wanna see this
I watched it when it was on TV. I thought it was good but it got kind of hard to follow because they kept jumping forward in time though. But all and all I thought it was neat, and I loved the big «squirrel » that came to the boy in the movie!
Liam Neeson in space? I have a certain set of antigravity skills…
I love this show but it’s so hard to find.
Where’s it streaming?
This show was amazing !!!!
Will it scare me?😟
Watched this when it came out, I was just a kid & it open my eyes to the sci-fi genre.
«I can tell you I don’t have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career, skills that make me a nightmare for people like you…”
I own it. It’s really that good. Spielberg .
Time to rewatch
Was very good back in the day. I watched it on YouTube multiple times years after.
*I don’t know who or what you are, but I will find you, and I will post you.*
Anybody have any other alien movie/tv show/documentaries recommendations? All ears and thanks in advance..
Token ?
Thank you! I’m always looking for new materials to watch.
Are you fucking serious? I watched this series like 10 years ago and just TODAY I remembered it and really wanted to research it, but couldn’t remember the name at all. THANK YOU OP. Weird as hell.
Those aliens don’t wanna mess with Liam. He has that certain set of skills.
wow this is weird timing, we’re watching this at the moment (dvd boxset).
I think there’s a LOT of truth in this series. There are rumours of a real human/grey hybrid program, the Psi abilities of the Greys, the way a small group within the military took control of the project, the abductions, the way our military is completely outclassed by the visitors, the Roswell crash, alien implants, its got it all.
Spielberg is in the know about whatever is in our skies. I saw a ufo with this color light beam coming out of it.
I can tell you they are among us, and some have not so bad intentions, some people “in the know” claim that some are here to reproduce, as their species is at the end of its time with clones.
I am not writing this with the intention of being dirty, all of this news has jarred a memory of an enjoyable but odd evening encounter.
I met a very tall, thin attractive women years ago, we quickly ended up at my place and I discovered that her shoulders were obviously bony but felt a lot thicker than i would have expected for a tall, thin woman. She also seemingly had a lot more ribs than normal. Below her ribs, in the abdomen, was a firm, round object. She didn’t protest as I did this. Just asked me, “feel anything different?” Of course, I am a healthy guy and had a few and was “ready to go”. As that step took place, a single message popped into my head “that is not a vajayjay” but once us guys are in the zone, there is no pulling back. The sensation was that of two full balloons squeezed together, and me in between. I also remember a very strong connection with her during all of this.
I may have seen her around the denver milk market Not long ago, tall, thin, black hair, and we did seem to have some feeling of familiarity. But I had my daughter so I could not engage further, she winked but the eyelid was dark and came up from the bottom of her eye, the opposite of our eyelids. We did return glances as I walked away that night.
Perhaps the universe is a lot bigger and we are the primitives being studied, taught, experimented on, and are breeding stock for a variety of alien species and organizations (They Live). We have done this to primitive tribes among our own species for thousands of years, almost makes sense that this behavior is not unique to humans.
On a comical note, human women have more competition than they realize.
Tried to watch it but didn’t pass the first episode. Don’t know if was that it didn’t age well or something else. Does it get better?
i don’t have the stomach to watch a show created by a man that visited epstein island multiple times
Yep. Never EVER will I watch that film ever again!! It still haunts me!!
Odd to have it called a mini series, but every episode is 1hr+ lol
One of my favorite movies
I disagree. It’s not good.
ET has a special set of skills.
Is it streaming somewhere?