Предполагаемые символы, обнаруженные при восстановлении после сбоя, связанного с предыдущим сообщением.

Интересно, сможет ли ИИ когда-нибудь развиться настолько, чтобы расшифровать это или назвать это чушью?

38 комментариев для “Предполагаемые символы, обнаруженные при восстановлении после сбоя, связанного с предыдущим сообщением.

  1. Any learning system requires an input and output dataset, or an input and goal/selective pressure to optimise towards. Sadly, this will not be enough.

    Also you assume there is only one NHI language to learn. How many do we humans have? And we are only one species.

    This will be only useful in so far as confirming retrospectively to not be a hoax.

  2. Those circular icons could be real for all we know. The icons we humans use are just symbols we are learned to software with different stuff. Icons are highly cultural, as well as design in general. I’m not saying they are real but it’s difficult to both prove our disprove.

  3. CHATGPT 4:

    Deciphering the symbols without context is speculative, but I can provide a hypothetical interpretation based on pattern recognition:

    — The symbols appear to be a combination of circles, lines, and dots. This could suggest a form of language or code where each shape and its position have specific meanings.
    — The repeated elements, such as single dots and lines, might represent basic units, such as letters or numbers.
    — The different configurations could indicate different combinations of these basic units, suggesting a complex grammar or syntax if it is a language.
    — If it’s a code, the various arrangements might correspond to different pre-established meanings known to those who use the code.

    In a gaming context, these could represent different player moves or game states. In a more linguistic context, they might be phonetic or logographic representations. However, without a key or further information, this interpretation remains purely conjectural.

  4. Imagine if we crash landed somewhere.

    The bars look like a bar graph representing something… I mean it could be like reception bars on a cell phone. For all we know that is how good their signal is on their intergalactic intercom. The circles apps? They might be right about the «numerical language» or that could just be the language itself the rest could all be icons. I mean 4 icons in a row… damn that could just be the controls on their version of itunes. Rewind,play,stop/pause,fast forward. (and if it was beside those bars… I mean it really could just be a music player UI.. maybe they were jamming and that is why they crashed it) In 47 it might have been assumed that was all language… but what we know of UI design now. I doubt much of it is actual text.

    If we crashed… imagine what an alien would think of a MS windows logo. A google browser logo… file folder… trash bin. One of those might be their version of steam. lol If an alien looked at the display of the average human users tablet it would be almost all icons and infographics with very little actual text.

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