Вот недавнее видео с орбитами над Лос-Анджелесом, в том числе с орбитой, летящей над президентским вертолетом:
Вот старое видео, на котором шары фактически создают круги на полях. В то время я всегда задавался вопросом, как это видео можно подделать:
I thought this video was interesting too, but [this guy,](https://www.cropcirclesecrets.org/cpr_ocfinal.html) a crop circle believer, contacted an expert to investigate it, and he demonstrated, at least to my satisfaction, that it’s most likely fake.
You know that crop circle video isn’t real, why are you wasting everyone’s time posting it here *again?*
That looks incredibly easy for them, they way it all happens at once. Like they think it and its there.
literally the first post under your posted link : [https://youtu.be/jMeRd5EdBwE](https://youtu.be/jMeRd5EdBwE)
Has anyone tried using ChatGPT to find a pattern or something
Wow! Are you thinking about the Government applying AI to decipher the crop circles? What a cool idea!
Here is a cool documentary I found from 2021 about crop circles and they go into more background from the incident where orbs made a crop circle on camera.