Отчет об экспедиции по нападению инопланетян в Перу

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lgo3azro aulyagibbowfuztezwkgvkeqflfqvlg3ma

Вот, ребята

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27 комментарий для “Отчет об экспедиции по нападению инопланетян в Перу”
  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=YYJCn10wo84 I know these guys spoke spanish, but there’s no such thing as a flyboard that doesn’t make sound. Jet engines are extremely loud af.. And it is nothing you can just step in and out of on the fly. They are EXTREMELY dangerous. Whoever these face snatchers are, have a more advanced flyboard. The victim said she felt a light breeze and saw leaves rustle which means these things release hardly any thrust if at all..

  2. This is extremely weird, you guys should watch a bit of this video.

    The attitude of the guy is weird, he is kind of an indiana jones and get really excited about a few things. He is got a cigar in hand.

    The detail of the story are extremely strange too, it does not feel like aliens at all.

    They are kind of struggling to kidnap people. I cant help to think that 2 american seals would have done a better job at kidnaping or face peeling someone. Very very strange

  3. Well…I watched the whole thing and have a few comments.

    1) as the saying goes, “take it with a grain of salt”. Be a skeptical believer,
    2) the video could have been ended earlier.
    3) the Indiana Jones looking guy seems quite honest in the sense that he didn’t try to ram a certain narrative down my throat.
    4) I appreciate the fact that they both said that these people aren’t stupid. I find that the “they’re just jungle villagers and they don’t know anything” excuse is used a lot to explain things away.
    5) if we shave down the things that MAYBE could be explained, we are still left with a chunky list of bizarre events…that’s pretty cool

    And finally,
    6) of the pictures that were taken and the videos that were filmed, I can’t quite wrap my head around the man that had his neck slashed really badly. I saw the video that’s supposed to show him…there is clearly a deep slash and lots of blood.

  4. Worth watching here is what they speculated the vehicles from the hover disk to the acorn ships, to the transparent carrier are advanced systems not of this earth or reverse engineering. The hover disk can carry two people. The sound they make is like compress air swoosh.

    The creatures look like the insectoid giant mantis. They use Cloakign technology.


  5. Look up Zapata Flyboard. My theory is that there are narcos groups with this technology, and they’re using it to scare and keep villagers out of the jungle so they can grow coca.

  6. Very interesting video and there was definitely weird shit happening there.

    [But at 1:14:20](https://youtu.be/mpCxDqvT7lg?si=mM4pvB1PID-fWGtc&t=4460) they show night video footage and assume they’re looking at an alien even tho it’s clearly just trees being illuminated by a light that covers only a small area. Then started gaslighting villagers into thinking it’s some kind of insectoid when even people who filmed it didn’t see a creature there. They were trying to film a craft that was somewhere behind the trees. That part made me cringe.

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