В отставке. Офицер ЦРУ Джон Рамирес: «Я доверяю тому факту, что Розуэлл действительно произошел… тела были обнаружены и… их ДНК была исследована… те же самые последовательности обнаружены в геноме человека»

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В отставке. Офицер ЦРУ Джон Рамирес: «Я доверяю тому факту, что Розуэлл действительно произошел… тела были обнаружены и… их ДНК была исследована… те же самые последовательности обнаружены в геноме человека»

От admin

34 комментарий для “В отставке. Офицер ЦРУ Джон Рамирес: «Я доверяю тому факту, что Розуэлл действительно произошел… тела были обнаружены и… их ДНК была исследована… те же самые последовательности обнаружены в геноме человека»”
  1. There’s been many retired CIA employees say the same thing about Roswell over the years .

    And none have gotten in any kind of hot water for doing so .

    One gets the impression, that the CIA is continues to believe, telling the truth about Roswell is the proper course of action and in the government’s best interests.

  2. The thing thing about this statement that bothers me is the timing of it. We weren’t able to analyze DNA until the late 90s, with the human genome being after that.

    It’s totally possible the dna was preserved to be analyzed later, but he needs to specify that.

  3. The first complete sequencing of the human genome was completed on April 14, 2003. So, if they did recover bodies, they have kept them frozen since 1947. Hell, DNA wasn’t even discovered until 1953. The way it is being presented is that found bodies and ran DNA tests on them. Yeah, 70 YEARS LATER. Sounds like BS to me.

  4. Retired General says this, Retired scientist says that.

    Old Retired people often trying to be as relevant as they once were by making shit up.

    If all this was true, they would be arrested for breaking the official secrets act or whatever they call it in the US.
    As it is, they can’t be prosecuted for making shit up.

  5. We are being manipulated as always, human agenda unknown.

    They (gov/shadow gov) are playing us in a long game, we have no way of confirming any of the info they feed us, therefore we should be suspect with what and why they offer it.

    Disinformation and lies are very obviously the game at play.

  6. The red flag here is that we didn’t even know how to sequence DNA until about 1985. And the full human genome wasn’t done until recently. So they either sequenced old samples or he’s lying.

  7. Let me say this I not here to proof anything I really don’t give a damm what you think or if you believe me. My niece and have been filming 6 years ever since my contact after s magic show. I was driving across alligator alley in the Everglades. In a retired teacher for 30 years and have nothing to gain from the videos they follow us. Today I’m in California same thing

  8. Lets assume any of this is true. Could it be that these greys are just our cousins, perhaps samples of pre-historical humans / hominids were abducted by intelligent beings thousands of years ago and selectively bred / genetically engineered into what we now see as greys. Just like we did when we bred wolfs into pet dogs and wild animals into various lifestock.

    Perhaps the greys are a type of domesticated hominid used for support by the higher up aliens that are adapted for life and interactions with earth «wild-life» like us.

  9. Locked offices at CIA probably know about exotic vehicles and tech through their assets deployed at Raytheon, General Dynamics, et al. All recovery operations and reverse engineering is done by parts of the MIC, who were invited by DoD to take a look at it sometime in the 50s. Now they own it all, and anyone at DoD who knew anything about it is dead. It’s clear from Grusch’s testimony that the US intelligence apparatus is not briefed officially on this through any branch of the government or military. What Ramirez knows may just be what’s been telephoned by word of mouth through the generations at CIA.

  10. Funny thing also, DNA sequencing became available in 1977. Thirty years after Roswell. Also this description of human genome pilots goes well with Annie Jacobsen’s outrageous claim it was the Russians that sent the craft and the aliens were actually human children with horrible disfigurement from Nazi experiments like those of Dr. Mengele. I found this less likely then actual aliens! Lmao. https://www.nbcnews.com/science/cosmic-log/were-soviets-behind-roswell-ufo-flna6c10403209

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