Newsweek: сенатор признает, что отчет разоблачителя НЛО отслеживается с официальным брифингом

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Кажется, эта история начинает набирать обороты в средствах массовой информации… «Сенатор Джош Хоули сказал, что недавний отчет разоблачителя НЛО «довольно близок» к действительности. информацию, которую он получил на брифинге после того, как прошлой зимой Соединенные Штаты сбили воздушный шар-шпион и другие неопознанные летающие объекты».

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24 комментарий для “Newsweek: сенатор признает, что отчет разоблачителя НЛО отслеживается с официальным брифингом”
  1. I’m not counting on this man to bring anything remotely reliable to the table, dude’s a dishonest grifter and is likely trying to cash in on UAP attention like most politicians do to stir support.

    I’ll listen to the actual whistleblowers and if Hawley is telling the truth, I’m sure more information will confirm that. However again I cannot preach skepticism on this enough.

  2. Do you ever think that it’s kind of sus that the only, only people who show any interest in this topic are the lunatic far right types? Senators, podcasts, news shows, whatever, whenever UFOs pop up its on the hard fucking right side of the aisle 90% of the time. Not always, sure, but it’s a **very** clear majority.

    I know this sub is all about «don’t make it political,» but 1) I’m not American so idgaf and 2) it’s kind of telling that there’s such a clear line in the sand when it comes to the reporting. Almost like there isn’t much of a story to be had and the crazies just want a narrative they can push for one reason or another. It’s really, really hard to take this seriously when the only people making such grand proclamations have such a blindingly obvious agenda it can seen from Australia.

  3. Wouldn’t believe anything that comes out of this guy’s mouth.

    This is more than likely an astroturfing campaign – Hawley is a traitor to the US(propagator of the Big Lie) and is latching onto the UFO hype to further his reach and rally a new fanbase. The GQP agenda.

  4. It really should read «shot down a spy balloon and three unidentified objects» not «shot down a spy balloon and *other* unidentified flying objects». The media’s phrasing is so frustrating.

    We know what the first object was so let’s stop grouping them together with the other three. I’m fairly certain that shooting down the spy balloon created a perfect opportunity for a confusing public disclosure of our military’s SOP of shooting down whatever UAPs they can catch. They can only cover up these events for so long with the proliferation of smart phones and social media.

  5. >Hawley said he is alarmed by reports of UAPs hovering over the U.S., especially military sites.

    Follow the nukes. That’s apparently what they were briefed on, UFO’s have been much more active since we’ve had nuclear technology.

    It’s just my opinion but I think Grusch is a red herring even if I think the US might have some anomalous material recovered.

  6. If this is true, then one would think congressional subpoenas would be flying out faster than a squadron of scrambled fighter planes. And, one would think an urgent congressional hearing would be scheduled post haste…

    Why not?

    I’m not seeing the sense of urgency by Congress one might expect given the magnitude of allegations. Keep also in mind, that every day of inaction that passes also gives time to any suspects involved to hide or move the evidence.

    What’s happening, or rather what’s NOT happening, is not equating to the allegations.

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