Есть какая-нибудь информация по этому видео?

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Есть какая-нибудь информация по этому видео?

Any infos on this video?
byu/Desperate_Response88 inaliens

От admin

47 комментарий для “Есть какая-нибудь информация по этому видео?”
  1. As a photographer/videographer for the last 25 years I find it always funny when I see footage that tries really hard to look old but fails to have the look and textures of an analog video system. If its an early digital system it looks much worse than it should even cheap cameras would be better with all the light they are using. They’ve gone out of their way to reduce the quality in order to hide details. If someone has a link to a better quality source I’d love to see it.

  2. Looks identical to the Roswell alien from the 90s TV movie. Also i remember a statue of one like that alien in the city where i lived in in the early 2000s wearing an acid washed t shirt snd smoking a joint. Maybe it was real too.

  3. Clearly fake. Body is being moved by a hand from under the table. Long sheets going down the side of the bed to hide it, you’d never do that in a medical facility a sheets would tangle with the wheels stop the adjustment functionality of the bed. Little to no quarantine measures. It isn’t how it would go down.

  4. If they aren’t wearing hazmat suits like NASA wears, I can almost guarantee it is fake. There’s no way in hell we’d expose ourselves to an ET carrying potential ET germs and ET viruses with unknown consequences on humanity. It doesn’t make any sense to me it would be any other way.

  5. People are quick to call this fake. Fine. But do it with facts, not gut feeling or flawed assumptions. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen all of the fake alien autopsies that has come out over the years, this one is new to me. What makes this one different, is the fact that the alien actually looks alive. Moving, anyways.

    So if this is fake, it’s from a production somewhere — looking forward to people finding the source.

    It’s also worth to remember, that REAL videos like this probably exist, and everyone in here would deny it before actually giving it a closer look. The truth is hidden in a big pile of fake and disinfo.

  6. This is from the movie «Titanic» as Leonardo Da Vinci is lifted out of the water by his own greatness after floating in the Antarctic ocean on an old table, on which he lay on one of his greatest paintings instead in hopes of saving it. He was then set on the same table that he painted «that girl next door» on after her saying «paint me like one of your French ladies».

    In short, I have come to my own conclusion that this is Leonardo Da Vinci.

  7. I don’t know if it is the origin of the video, but this exact clip was used in the PC game The Pandora Directive(1996). This was an old school click point adventure game with cgi environment and FMV scenes interspersed throughout. I recognized this video almost immediately as the game left quite an imprint on my twelve year old self trying to unravel the alien conspiracy in the game. This clip actually ends right before the alien starts to cough up copious amounts of blood. I’d say it’s a fair bet it was made specifically for the game and not just reused footage from something else.

  8. I was immediately thinking “Oh Alien Autopsy from the 90s”. I remembered watching it when it came on tv. I watched it when I was 13 and somewhat terrified, but they mentioned quickly afterwards it was all fake.

    Then I kept watching and the feet moved. The head moved. I was like “Oh shit…I know it’s been almost 30 years but definitely don’t remember it moving. This is creepy as shit.”

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