Похожие записи:
Разговоры об арестах и отправке элит в Гитмо
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5 исследований, которые доказывают, что ковид не распространяется бессимптомно — поэтому буквально нет причин носить маску, если у вас нет симптомов!Пищевая пирамида и ее последствия стали катастрофой для человечества.Я только что заметил на первой полосе кампанию по искажению нашего основного восприятия?
Грабежи в Филадельфии были скоординированы.. Социальная инженерия
Таинственный НЛО над Адзумаямой, заснятый японскими альпинистами • Последние наблюдения НЛОПсихиатрия — лженаукаЦены на акции
Мероприятия общественного здравоохранения и интенсивность эпидемии во время пандемии гриппа 1918 года (Труды Национальной академии наук, 2007 г.)
Они паразиты
U2 продвигают сатанинскую программу на своем недавнем концерте
I kept expecting this to be cheesy but it looks really entertaining. Things I like about Lazar are it’s a great story no matter if it’s true or not & how triggered people get about him. Why the deep emotional response I wonder? ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?
The interview the director of this did with Richard Dolan is incredible: https://youtube.com/watch?v=YQ_MuPcv3BM
One final time, the number of armchair skeptics on this sub who refuse to look deeper into Lazar is absolutely PATHETIC. I have been researching Bob for decades. The W2 is not only legit but when investigated in the 90s tied to the DOE. Watch the short video in my post: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/QTxNVIS1vH
I find Lazar more credible than Jeremy Corbell, I’m know that’s odd or maybe I just find lazar more likeable and a lot of what he said is plausible/verifiable Corbell is high at the wheel just driving round saying yeah man I think it’s just around the next corner,
The Original Larper would be a better title.
“We’re taking you back to 1988 when all this started! Travel back in time with Bob Lazar to “S4″, where he was hired by the department of Naval Intelligence to reverse engineer alien technology.
‘Lazar: The Original Whistleblower’ is a revolutionary documentary film featuring cutting edge technology, creating never before seen stunning realistic 3D visuals to immerse you in this fascinating story like never before.”
How lame
Looking forward to this!
Not whistleblower, story teller. There is a reason he has not testified to Congress, it’s because he is a liar who can’t prove his credentials because «the bad guys deleted them». Utter BS that anyone still believes him.
Lazar: I’m a Hustler, baby.
The license plate is a nice touch.