«Огонь в небе» (1993) ИМО, самое пугающее изображение похищения инопланетянами за всю историю. Каково ваше личное мнение о деле Трэвиса Уолтона?

От admin #Внеземные существа, #Внекосмические существа, #Внешний вид пришельцев, #Загадки инопланетного воздействия, #Загадки инопланетных цивилизаций, #ЗагадкиИнопланетныхЦивилизаций, #ЗагадочныеЯвления., #Заговоры, #ЗаговорыВИстории, #ЗаговорыВМедиа, #ЗаговорыГосударств, #ЗаговорыМировыхЛидеров, #Иллюминаты, #Инопланетная жизнь, #Инопланетные существа в кино, #Инопланетные технологии, #ИнопланетныеВоздействия, #ИнопланетныеИсследования, #ИнопланетныеТехнологии, #Инопланетяне, #ИнтеракцияСИнопланетянами, #Интракосмические существа, #Исследование инопланетной жизни, #ИсследованиеИнопланетнойЖизни, #Конспирология, #Контакт с инопланетянами, #Контактные СИнопланетянами, #Космические пришельцы, #МанипуляцияМассами, #Межзвездные путешествия, #Научная фантастика, #НаучнаяОбщаяФантастика, #Популярные о пришельцах, #Пришельцы в алфавите, #ПришельцыВМедиа. ТеорияЗаговора, #ПришельцыВНауке, #ПришельцыИлюди, #связанные с пришельцами, #СекретныеОрганизации, #СекретыГосударственнойВласти, #СекретыТехнологий, #СкрытыеСилы, #СовременныеТайны, #Способы достиженияСПришельцами, #Способы общения с пришельцами, #СпрятанныеПравды, #ТайныеЗаговоры, #Телешоу на инопланетянах, #Теории заговоров о пришельцах, #ТеорииГосударстваОпришельцах, #ТеорииЗаговораОБиологии, #ТеорииЗаговораОмедицин е, #ТеорииЗаговораОпришельцами, #Уроки инопланетной истории. 窗体顶端 窗体底端 ЭкспериментыПришельцев, #Фантастические инопланетяне, #Фильмы о пришельцах, #Фэндом пришельцев, #Экзобиология, #ЭкспериментальнаяНаука, #ЭкспериментыНадЛюдьми, #Явления

«Огонь в небе» (1993) ИМО, самое пугающее изображение похищения инопланетянами за всю историю. Каково ваше личное мнение о деле Трэвиса Уолтона?


От admin

32 комментарий для “«Огонь в небе» (1993) ИМО, самое пугающее изображение похищения инопланетянами за всю историю. Каково ваше личное мнение о деле Трэвиса Уолтона?”
  1. The film depiction of the abduction doesn’t match the depiction in the book/actual story. I know film do that regularly but i wish it was more accurate to the original.

  2. Ya’ll ain’t gonna wanna hear this, but:

    >!In 2021, Travis started working with a filmmaker named Ryan Gordon; Logging crew chief Mike Rogers (Robert Patrick’s character) found out that Travis was profiting off a new film without cutting him in. So Mike went on facebook and publicly denounced Travis as a liar. !<

    >!Then, Mike started working with the very same filmmaker, and Mike admitted it was staged. There is recording of this admission on youtube. Mike also told the filmmaker precisely how it was staged..!<

  3. If you’ve got Spotify, Coast to Coast has an interview with him reviewing the case and what happened. He goes into detail. He talks about meeting humanoids who showed him the stars, etc, and were welcoming.

    The show will be under the Art Bell Archives or Somewhere in Time. If I find it I’ll post a link.


    Found it. Here e is the episode:


  4. I’d really like to beliebe him because he comes across so humble and genuine in his interviews ans its such a compelling story. BUT, just read up on the case a bit. You don’t have to venture much further than Wikipedia. His family, friends, and coworkers all said he had discussedthe prospect of ufos and being abducted in the weeks before it happened. The Betty and Barney Hill story was big in the news because of hlthe release of a tv movie. Their logging contract was way behind schedule and if they hadn’t finished just a few weeks later they would have suffered some severe penelties. The only excuse for not hitting their deadline was an Act of God — Something outside anyones control affecting the work. Theres a ton of other strange behavior as far as how they dealt with the police and the media as soon as he returned as well as how the polygraphs were administered.

  5. i’d like to believe that any aliens they wana experiment on us are smart enough to use some sort of anesthesia but say they dont… but are capable of complete erasing the memory of the event, is it unethical? (the method not the experimentation)

  6. It was way less horror-movie-y than what the film portrayed, considering Travis’ own recollection of what occurred.

    He has come to suspect he was taken in order to repair whatever damage he sustained when walking up to the ship as it was taking off. I think that makes a lot of sense. Like one of us accidentally running over a cat then taking it to the vet.

    I think his story, especially the part about the mute Nordic who came in to calm him and bring him to be put back to sleep, shows how our perceptions can be tampered with. It also shows the need for intermediaries when dealing with us.

  7. Honestly, never seen the movie. I have been in surgical ORs. The eye stuff is probably parlytic and or numbing material. We actually cut into peoples eyes and stick all sorts of needles all around the eye ball socket, and we slice corneas. People deal well with this bc we lightly sedate them.

    The sheet is a drape. Protects from infection.

    The disk items look a lot like how we do abdominal laparoscopic surgery. Its at the entrance to give leverage to the scope or tools.

    Then the gel in mouth material to protect teeth from intubation or endoscope.

    He was probably super annoying screaming the whole time. That makes pain much worse. A calm mind can deal with pain better with less discomfort.

    The whole scary part is consent. Funny how when abductees are questioned some say it went ok. And would actually do it again. 84%.

    Try to remain calm. Think no pain please. And pretend you are at the doctor. Maybe ask for something in return for your cooperation. Trip to venus? A little brick of gold?

  8. I saw this when I was 13. This absolutely fucked me in the head.

    Man. I can’t even watch that clip, nor have I thought about this movie for years. And even then it was only to emphasize to someone how much this movie terrified me as a child.

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