Треугольные НЛО, стреляющие лазерами из сегодняшнего протектора 4chan
Triangle UFO shooting lasers from todays 4chan tread
byu/Me_la_Pelan_todos inUFOs
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Кулхарт: «Мне говорят это [UFO phenomenon] это будущие люди. Есть опасение, что обнародование этого изменит временную шкалу».
**This is a model craft created by an amateur as an example of how easy it would be to fake a believable UFO if effort was made. This is the result.**
**Edit edit: this site compiles and breaks down the history of this hoax craft and includes a photo of it in a bedroom. Read this if you want to know it all: https://www.isaackoi.com/ufo-videos/koi-ufo-video-096.html**
**EDIT: SOURCE AND HOAX CREATOR VIDEO FOUND: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nzPzhSEnR8 It was created for a contest. He did a great job! Original audio really makes this funny. 4chan LARP debunked in 10 minutes as I lay in bed waking up for the day. Come on guys!**
That is the origin of this video. I forget the name of the creator, but this was a public event where this model was flown to demonstrate how easy a fake could be. It’s a homemade model remote controlled with a laser attached. If you do some digging, and others who know this story can corroborate, this is a verifiable well known hoax.
I gotta be honest, that’s awesome. But it looks very…. terrestrial to me.
The thread where this video appears is one of the most uninspired LARP journeys I can remember. Basically, we are about to go to war against an outpost of various alien species, including genetically engineered soldiers, greys, reptilians capable of reproducing with humans and more.
They suspect that they may be under the command of an elite.
If all this reminds you of anything, it is that, like me, you have played the XCOM saga.
Ah yes the very credible 4chan tread
I mean, the resolution of this video is so low that it’s likely fake, specially if it was posted on 4chan of all places.
But triangles shooting lasers is literally the story that my grandpa used to tell about his UFO experience:
He lived in a rural area during the 50’s here in Brazil. Sometime around midnight, he went to put the trash outside. That’s when he saw a black triangle that was slowly going upwards with all sorts of colored lights below it, this object went up until it was around a good 20 meters off the ground. At some point this triangle shoots a beam of light that changed colors at the ground and then accelerates at an incredible speed, disappearing in the night.
After witnessing that he came back inside the house and, to his surprise, his mother was worried sick because he had been missing for a couple of hours. It was already close to 4 am and she, which was the only one with him that night, was looking for him everywhere and was really scared because she couldn’t find him. My grandpa was confused, he swears he was just there putting the trash outside when he saw this strange triangle object and then came back and was shocked to learn time really seemed to have passed.
Where is the 23 minute video?
How is a post like this not taken down? Or at least have the OP change the title. Shit like this is why y’all aren’t getting anywhere.
How is this not drones with lights on them?
Any link to the 4chan thread?
Honestly out of all the crafts I would 100% bet this one is human made, defiantly US Military.
At least it was an orange lazor and not a red lazor!
It’s from [this video](https://youtu.be/Ig9AuztJQpQ) posted 12 years ago. Someone on the other sub posted screen grabs from it the other day claiming to have taken the photos himself, not sure why it’s popping up again all of a sudden.
I AM NOT SAYING THIS IS REAL! But ppl doubted the tic tac video when it was posted on online pre 2017 so I think we should keep and open mind.
Just an old TR3B craft
Sweet DIY UAP R/C FPV UAV. These on wayfair? Amazon perhaps?
The triangles are ours
It doesn’t look like it’s shooting lasers, it could just be a powerful spot light or reflections on the camera lens. The person standing under it should be able to see the area the supposed laser is firing at, which seems to be pretty close to where they are. A laser that wide should have turned everything around the camera man into an inferno.
The object looks real, as in it’s not CGI. But without more context it’s impossible to come to any conclusions. I still don’t know why aliens are covering their space ships in lights, there’s no sign of all this lighting on the ships we see during daylight hours, it seems like they only turn them on at night.
Shooting lasers you say?👀👀
Wow nice drone
The power is in the pyramid!
Look up tr3b its of usa design ex lockheed martin worker owns patent released it after his death gave craft to bigalow aerospace
All triangular UFOs are fake.
Turns out aliens dont like sharp edges
My bet is that this is Lockheed Martin
See how easy it was for everyone to collaborate and prove this false? Makes you wonder about at the things we still discuss that have no true debunking. Weird how that’s all we’re asking the government to do, to simply look into it whether they believe or not. and yet nothing.
I know this is fake but my family and I saw a UFO exactly like this in 2000 off the side of the 5 freeway in Cali. It’s scary how accurate this video is to my experience. The aircraft had a triangle shape with lights at each corner. It also focused a light that came from its center like this too.
Okay, I believe that this is a mock-up. But it’s very similar to what I saw in NJ in fall of 1975, in the evening before it got dark. That is all I have to say about that.
Dark, blurry and low res. Definitely aliens.
I’ve had a few reoccurring ufo dreams. This is kind of what’s in my dreams but much more lasers. In the dream I’m always terrified of the scans. They go through all material…the rest of the dream i don’t wanna say because I’m afraid of something being true.
That’s a wonderful fake. People are so gullible.
Aliens: «ok we figured out faster than light travel, a power source, gravity manipulation…..I just cant fucking figure out how to hide the lights in the ship.»
Submission statement — one of the videos on the 4chan tread from a few hours ago, Can be found on twitter. It shows a triangular ship, the so called “back manta” shooting lasers while hovering, recorder at night, no more info available at the moment, if you know about ir please inform us. Thanks