Выдержки из отчета ЦРУ 1984 года о жизни на Марсе миллион лет назад

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Выдержки из отчета ЦРУ 1984 года о жизни на Марсе миллион лет назад

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25 комментарий для “Выдержки из отчета ЦРУ 1984 года о жизни на Марсе миллион лет назад”
  1. I think an important point is that the guide says to go back a million years and then says to go back much further. So the period of time being described with the end of the civilization was much further back than a million years.

  2. Claims like this may have been interesting in 1984, but now we have high-resolution imagery of pretty much all of Mars’ surface. That location looks to be Cydonia, presumably; those «pyramids» have since been imaged in *far* more detail to look like ordinary mountains — at least enough like other Mars mountains that there doesn’t seem to be any good reason to assume something amazing there that is nowhere else. More importantly, though, geological analysis has gotten good enough to say that Mars has been pretty dessicated for *billions* of years, not just 1M years.

    Hence I’d argue that no real remote viewing was achieved here, but more remembering of pop cult speck by the supposed viewer.

  3. I’ve no idea about the truth or accuracy of this remote viewing business. It’d be extremely interesting if it was true; but tbh I don’t hold any great hopes in that area.

  4. Who was that guy that claimed the US government recruited him for his remote viewing capabilities? Think they wanted him to «view» an ET base on the moon as some sort of validation of… something… oh hell , I can’t remember much of the details.

    Anyhow, I think the guy’s name was a bird type like Crow or Jay or Crane.

  5. Yo! This was trippy to find your post because your profile is on my friends list so it was lit up orange. Randomly finding you in this sub is trippin’ me out.

    I think we played Minecraft together like 10 years ago? Correct me if I’m wrong! Small world, though!

  6. Freaking weird coincidence that I just had a very vivid dream where I was on Mars and saw ruins of some kind. At first they were very alien architecturally, then they looked exactly like Human skyscrapers buried in the sand.

  7. I just read someone’s comment suggesting funding was cut in the 90’s. Would one be right in assuming it probably wasn’t cut, just moved to a more-boring title? They probably (possibly) found out ‘holy shit, this fucking works’, and had to suddenly sink the idea that they were playing in these ‘silly little games’.

    I’m assuming most in here would think the CIA/whatever abbreviated place still uses it?

  8. Wonder if he’ll ever know, he’s in the best selling show…..Is there life on maaaaaars? Saaaaailors fighting in the dance hall.

    Also this is a load of BS. They may have thought they sent someone back in time to talk to aliens but I guarantee they didn’t talk to aliens.

    Also the CIA didn’t actually request that the person in the file, Joseph McMoneagle, to “visit mars” but apparently a person from the army requested it. The CIA did have a program where they were studying remote viewing but this session wasn’t at their request. Here’s an interview with him where he says this session was totally out of left field and shouldn’t have actually been in their files. https://slate.com/technology/2017/03/did-the-cia-really-astrally-project-to-mars-in-1984.html

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