Что здесь думают о сериале «Тайна Ранчо Скинвокеров» на канале History? Трэвис Тейлор выглядит заслуживающим доверия и его [radiation poisoning incident] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8FhrtaEQz4) меня всегда нервировало. В последнем сезоне они неоднократно получали высококачественные кадры UAP и, похоже, могут делать это последовательно. * [Latest Video — Ep 4] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLr97CzfTLY) * [Ep 3] (https://youtu.be/Vw6oXQcu0Zk?t=75) * [Ep 2] (https://youtu.be/pWZhECTuaYw?t=411)
Personally, I love the show. Is it dramatized? Absolutely. It’s reality TV, dramatization is a requirement. Does that invalidate the fact that there are some legitimately strange things that happen there? I think not. As a Utah native, I can confirm that the mysticism and paranormal nature of Skinwalker Ranch is something that did not originate with the show.
I personally think the show is helpful because it brings public interest to an otherwise taboo topic. Unfortunately, we live in a society where the majority of the populous are more likely to be persuaded by national television rather than peer-reviewed journals. I definitely think we also need less sensationalized investigations into the topic, but I think shows like Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch open the door for those.
I love that show
Although the testing is cool but they spend way too much time repeating themselves. Dig into that damn Mesa will ya!
Love the show.It’s not perfect but I love mysteries and the effort to solve them. Travis assures it is real and very weird. Good enough for me. But I agree with the statement so dig it up already!!!
They are proving what bigelow and the government (they are one and same now) already knows and members of his team have already revealed. It’s the site of a GD inter dimensional type of portal, just like the Native Americans said 100s of years ago. If you can handle that “little fact” you aren’t going to like the next five years or so very much.
Now what you should be asking instead, if you aren’t just going to stick your head into the sand until someone cuts it off is why is this show being made now and why is it being allowed to be made. Why don’t they do more?
Kinda like it is being slow rolled out to use just a big piece or two a season with lots of supporting evidence right? And the key scientists, who i like a lot, we find out this year actually works for the government on UFO projects, and it was owned by the government before this.
Jesus people, it’s obviously part of the slow disclosure project. You don’t think the agency has friends and contacts in Hollywood? Look it up sometimes. They are slowly getting us used to idea of portal’s etc.
We are being shown what they are allowing us to see because if nothing else r this board proves we are indeed mostly childish skittish and sheepish group thinking angry little monkeys that probably should have been eliminated from the planet long ago but I guess we are fun to watch or something.
Alien 1 “look what those dumb little monkeys are doing now”
Alien 2: unreal man. Pass the popcorn
Dr. Travis Taylor (astrophysicist) gives it credibility.
We’ve been watching it and its super interesting!
The vast majority of accusations I see leveled at the show are from people who confuse opinions with facts. It’s mostly skeptic materialists who are angered by the confronting nature of the phenomenon being experienced at the ranch (the TV show represents a tiny portion of what happens at the ranch—members of the Insiders have access to Q&As with the people at the ranch and that’s honestly where a lot of the genuinely weird stuff is being reported).
I think the Bigalow people put something in the mesa, that’s why they discovered metals that are used on the Space Shuttle when they dug into it a while back. The 1.6Ghz signal they pickup is the thing in the mesa transmitting to the military or some government secret agency. It’s funny how on last weeks show the 1.6 signal started transmitting then the Blackhawk helicopter showed up when they were launching those rockets. Bigalow is closed lipped about what they did or found there.
Blasting rocket doesn’t mean $hit! Orbs in the sky are everywhere not only over the ranch the show gets worse and worse.
Garbage. It’s scripted reality tv.
Mind numbing BS.
Skinwalker Ranch gives this whole topic less credibility than before. I wish it was never produced.
Another show that just leads you down rabbit holes and non sense
The show is rage bait. They take so many episodes to show a mediocre thing and they all freak out over it like it’s hard evidence