Мы до сих пор не можем их объяснить…3300-летние египетские статуи | YouTube короткометражка

Мы до сих пор не можем их объяснить… 3300-летние египетские статуи | YouTube короткометражка

2 комментария для “Мы до сих пор не можем их объяснить…3300-летние египетские статуи | YouTube короткометражка

  1. I found this interesting from [Russian Book of Alien Races](https://astrojan.eu5.org/rbook.htm) and correlates with the video

    (aka Shamtbhala)

    Often confused (because of their appearance) with the races Maitre and Solipsi Rai (the «grays»).
    They come from constellation Nets.
    They are allies of the Anunnaki and cooperate with them in different planets… they are the representants of the Anunnaki on Earth and send them information about Humans and this planet at least 25 times per year.
    **The Anunnaki created a sub-species of the Zeta with the purpose of making them look more Human-like… but leaving enough physical differences for Humans to distinguished them.
    They became some of the Pharaohs of Egypt.**

    The most well known was Akhenaten, who was removed from power by Reptilians… they infiltrated themselves in the Court as Temple Priests.
    First reports of Zeta’s on Earth go back to 4000 AD, but that number is most likely much higher.
    They were the first hybrids to be engineered by the Anunake (Anunnaki).
    The Zeta sub-species still exists on Earth and still (at least 30%) present the same physical differences created in them.
    The sexual organs of the sub-species are in every aspect the same as that of Humans.

    The Zeta’s still exist on Earth in both forms, the «original» and the hybrid sub-species.
    Their location on Earth is… unknown !

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