Инопланетяне — демоны

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ymx1mnq4z3zlnhrimvfbq5qou 03imz8ecfj2mk1xw8ipodhgwrm5zwza

Астронавт Чарли Дьюк

Aliens are demons
byu/Expert-Desk7492 inaliens

От admin

38 комментарий для “Инопланетяне — демоны”
  1. That’s just how a religious person would interpret the phenomena.

    Secular UFOlogists would call them extraterrestrial aliens, interdimensional beings, advanced humans from a parallel civilisation etc depending on the hypothesis they lean towards.

    Ultimately, we’re all probably talking about the same thing.

  2. As soon as I saw the woke demon and God I immediately stopped the video typed this comment and then down voted the video.

    Why would you ever try to explain something scientific with religion. Stupid.

  3. Lets discard the religious paradigm and its terms, and instead look at what witnesses actually can observe. We don’t need the whole bagage from Christianity to confuse things further.

    We probably should try to discard the alien-paradigm too, and see what it could be if we stick to the facts. I happen to think that the alien-hypothesis is the best one, but it is still a good idea to free oneself from prejudices from time to time.

  4. Well, if they’re demonic, we can spellcast them off with some Bible verses, I guess? LMAO…

    Gotta love how it’s “demonic.” Since space is “Heaven” by some measure, why aren’t they angels? ROFLMAO…

    People suck.

  5. Christians claim all they don’t understand as “evil” or “demons” they did it to great scientific minds and now the fuckin extraterrestrials can’t catch a break!

    I swear every day I hate gods people more and more as time passes

  6. There is no inarguable proof that Aliens are demons.

    It is so sad how religion creates the need to believe in demons, devils, messiahs, saviors, suffering, talking serpents, virgins giving birth, and a place called hell … in order to believe in God.

    I could never believe what Charlie Duke’s ‘god’ says, in a million years.

  7. Lol when the disclosure you want isn’t the disclosure you get. Would be pretty funny if the spacemen turn out to be demons. They finally tell the truth and everyone refuses to believe it. I hope it happens that way, just to see the reaction. There’s probably just as much proof of some demonic shit happening as there is for aliens. Exorcism and poltergeist activity and such. But who knows hey. Not us. Astronauts and government officials maybe? But not reddit bros.

  8. Kinda crazy how Christian’s catch all the flack for believing in demons..
    Christians — believe in demons
    Muslims — believe in demons
    Buddhists — believe in demons
    Hindu — believe in demons
    Native Americans — believe in demons
    Aboriginal of Australia -believe in demons

    If it had been a Muslim saying this y’all would be too afraid to say shit about um.. But old white man christian he fair game.. y’all are fucked up..

  9. Even people who believe in the existence of demons, don’t have sufficient evidence (Biblically or scientifically) to dogmatically claim that intelligent alien life is demonic. I don’t mind it as a theory, but he seems way too certain to be without any evidence to support this claim.

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