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Кулхарт: «Мне говорят это [UFO phenomenon] это будущие люди. Есть опасение, что обнародование этого изменит временную шкалу».
Not enough information to make a determination there bud
Anything is possible, unfortunately a still image of this quality does little except serve as a memory for the taker.
Potential artifact? Just judging by the three identical lights and then one with lower opacity.
Bro its 4 lights on a black background
Very thoughtful of the martians to light up their flying saucers so that we can easily spot them at night!!
Just watched your youtube video, obviously a commercial plane, the positions of lights and the frequency of strope lights flashing.
Nothing to be ashamed of, practice makes perfect. I can sometimes even spot ISS with my naked eye now.
They seems an airplane with regular lights…
Drone most likely
no that’s a plane sorry g
No, its not.
I think the thing people think are lights might be propulsion.
Anything is possible — Kevin Garnett
Depending on how high it is it’s possible it’s a drone otherwise UAP is very possible.
Yes it’s a possible UAP it’s also a possible abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
You guys tend to have a fascination with airplanes. It’s almost as bad as dust in the ghost subreddit.
Is it unidentifed? Is it airborne? Yes it seems like.
Sure, but not enough data to make any real determination.
well technically a drone is a UAP i dont pay much attention to lights in sky, not since having 5 coffin sized black diamond pod antigravity craft came crawling around our house at night i mean like 50 feet from us . you would never know they are right over you
Looks USA made
It’s four clouds of swamp gas, in formation. It’s to draw your attention, while the real alien ship, passes silently by. They only use this ploy, when they are out of weather balloons.
Thanks guys for engaging with my post. If i posted this same post on a subreddit about New Delhi ( there is literally a subreddit called new delhi) where I am from then i would’ve been Ridiculed and flooded with shitposters. It’s funny how my own people don’t take it seriously.