Доктор Гарри Нолан сказал что-нибудь о заявлениях Дэвида Груша?

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EH1zm8dVa5gsZWdZywosTjA2nf ugUWRKR1mG3smmTE

EH1zm8dVa5gsZWdZywosTjA2nf ugUWRKR1mG3smmTE

Доктор Гарри Нолан — видная и авторитетная фигура, когда речь заходит о феномене UAP, и мне было любопытно, что он думает о недавних разоблачениях, сделанных осведомителем Дэвидом Грушем. Доктор Нолан, возможно, намекал на него во время [SALT iConnections discussion](https://youtu.be/e2DqdOw6Uy4?t=220), но я не уверен. Любая помощь будет принята с благодарностью!

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14 комментарий для “Доктор Гарри Нолан сказал что-нибудь о заявлениях Дэвида Груша?”
  1. No, he said he wants to stay off of social media and interviews for a while, partly due to medical reasons. He tweeted this when asked directly whether he has comments on Grusch:

    > I’m lurking…. Back soon enough. It’s been a fantastic week for the field. And it’s given true professional (and I mean that politely) skeptics something to think about (hopefully).

  2. I believe the mummy is still unique enough to not be human. It is the only thing I disagree with Dr. Nolan is top shelf, knows what he is talking about and is an experiencer.

  3. He said hes keeping his head down because hes treating a dermatological condition called actinic keratosis (precancerous patches of skin) on his face. The treatments used to treat it (look up 5FU) basically burn the fuck out of your face and make you look like a burn patient or the walking dead. I have sold these products, I completely understand why hes not comfortable on camera for a couple weeks.

  4. I found it extremely interesting that Nolan said his confidence that NHI is visiting Earth is **100%**.

    In science nothing is known with **100%** confidence. For example quantum mechanics, although the most well-confirned theory of all time, isn’t known with 100% confidence since it is obviously in tension with general relativity. No credible physicist would say that there is a 0% chance that quantum mechanics will be found to be in error.

    So I’m not sure how to explain Nolan’s statement on this. If he had said he was 99% sure then that would have made more sense. I can imagine he has evidence that makes him 99% sure. But 100% and leaving literally no room whatsoever for any possibility of error is sus. Like I said, QM is the best confirmed theory of all time but no credible scientist would say they are 100% sure that QM won’t eventually be overturned.

  5. Unpopular opinion but I don’t know about that guy (Nolan) man. I know he has serious credentials in his field and is obviously very smart but like the others he talks a lot but doesn’t back it up and I wonder if he’s just a higher level believer who hasn’t seen any real evidence and may have been fed disinformation. Let’s also not forget he’s been working on the ordinary metal balls someone found in their backyard and Greer’s fetus mummy. He seems a bit too open minded and that’s not a good sign. Same goes for Grusch but we haven’t really seen much of him yet.

  6. I wonder is UAP effects are Havana Syndrome without the upgrade he talks about. Maybe it wrecks your brain, by trying to improve it, but some humans react differently due to their unique physiology?

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