НЛО закрыл аэропорт Манипура в Индии за последние 24 часа

НЛО закрыл аэропорт Манипура в Индии за последние 24 часа

30 комментариев для “НЛО закрыл аэропорт Манипура в Индии за последние 24 часа

  1. Reality is turning into all those childhood dreams. Thanks to years of fox specials, movies, unsolved mysteries it’s always been there in so many ways, thinking no way it all can’t be made up from nowhere. All ideas are stolen or copied or slightly altered from some beginning, just too big of a universe to be alone. As a 90s kid it was like the 9 planets and stars. Then Pluto got kicked, then blurry planets maybe a few hundred found! Then James Webb melts everything we knew. See further, feel…smaller.

  2. It was white and disappeared or was rendered invisible around dusk.
    Since we now have stealth tech it could have been Human not Alien. Can’t we direct any of our fancy telescopes and space cameras towards these things when they occur?

  3. Why do people think «UFOs» abide by national «lighting» standards for aircraft????? All the not identified things flying around have navigation lights . Outer space visitors I wouldn’t think wouldn’t know or care about navagation lights!!!!!!!

  4. Amazing how may UAP that have a distinctly spheroid or flattened spheroid shape with a shiny or reflective surface tend to hover in one place, or slowly drift around an area.

    You could almost call them «balloon shaped».

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