BREAKING: Джереми Корбелл об отчете осведомителя

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BREAKING: Джереми Корбелл об отчете осведомителя

BREAKING: Jeremy Corbell On Whistleblower Report
byu/littlespacemochi inaliens

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38 комментарий для “BREAKING: Джереми Корбелл об отчете осведомителя”
  1. Ultimately it’s not “the government” doing these things, but certain personal within the government operating illegally, as well as a host of civilian contracting companies. They are doing this work without any oversight and using purloined public funds to do it. This goes far beyond anything we can imagine. I’m prepared to believe there are many folks who should know who do not know. These programs are illegal and being run largely by sociopaths.

  2. It this ends up being a real thing. I think it’s important to remain calm and go about your life. It doesn’t change anything.

    Buying weapons is a waste of time and money. If the leaks are true, they have the ability to annihilate the global population. We pose no threat to them. So why even worry at that point.

  3. FOX is really running with this story, I’ve seen at least 3 segments so far. Idk if that’s a good thing but it’s pretty weird that CNN hasn’t said *anything* about it so far? Or have they??

  4. It’s so glaringly apparent that this guy has some sort of narcissistic personality disorder and he’s pretty terrible at masking it. The first words out of his mouth are an attempt to make it about him, at least in his appearance last night.

    It always disappoints when I see people putting dude up on a pedestal. He’s kind of a turd and him being tossed in with the Grusch stuff seems damaging.

  5. I’m all for this information to be disclosed but have we ever thought of what if these decision makers that have kept this quiet because maybe they were threaten by these E.T.s.
    Like if you tell of our existence we will no longer just “visit” but actually attack.
    Maybe they realized this is a scouting party 100 years in advance of an invasion type deal.
    Or maybe he interviewing and researching them we have found our own doomsday clock.

  6. I find it interesting that he stated we want to know “where are the manufacturing facilities for these” when we just had that 4chan user claim that there was a base in the Bermuda Triangle that produces these made to spec ufos. Maybe I’m late to this idea, but it seems like this is a recent concept being put out there as before we thought that ufos are spacecraft coming here instead of made here. Still taking that 4chan user with a huge grain of salt, but that caught my attention.

  7. lol why do they keep using that very old and very unclear video…..when we’ve been seeing «new» claims of UFO’s for weeks? why don’t they use any of those?

    and why are we letting the news run video like that when we know a Iphone can capture better video than that?

  8. What I can’t believe is that Fox News is once again actually talking about a subject with some objectivity.

    I didn’t think I’d like to see the day.

    This is actually a fairly nice segment

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