Снято инфракрасной камерой наблюдения на пристани на реке Гудзон.

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Это видео было снято камерой наблюдения на пристани Уайта в Нью-Гамбурге, штат Нью-Йорк. Эта конкретная камера ночью снимает в инфракрасном диапазоне. Были и другие камеры, направленные в том же направлении, но не в инфракрасном диапазоне, и они не засняли эту сцену. Сначала я подумал, что это метеор, но я не видел ни одного видео, которое соответствовало бы тому, как это выглядит.

Captured on an infrared security camera at a marina on the Hudson River.
byu/JimyMcnulty inUFOs

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25 комментарий для “Снято инфракрасной камерой наблюдения на пристани на реке Гудзон.”
  1. When I was in the military I worked with both FLIR and ambient light cameras. This is not a FLIR camera. However it could be what we called a Starbright camera. These cameras gather ambient light and then multiply the signal many times to get a better image. They are much less expensive than FLIR systems. This looks a lot like a Starbright type image. I have no idea what the object is but this isn’t a FLIR camera.

  2. Ik the area well have lived here for 10 years and it’s close to Stewart afb and West Point. Could be nothing but I also know a lot of military drills take place in this w a few years ago on 4th of July I remember seeing multiple b2’s in the air. Tons of military craft in this area not far fetched to think this could be something from those establishments.

  3. So it doesn’t leave any sort of reflection in the water. If you look closely, you can see the tree line reflection and match it to where the streak begins? Unless it’s something incredibly, unfathomably, massive in the distance?…. Or are we just looking at a June bug?

  4. This is probably just the LED light on a security camera illuminating an (out of focus) bug… but, regardless, it seems to me that someone(s) need to set up a SETI@Home-type distributed network whereby the feed from security cameras all around the world are continuously analyzed by algorithms and AI to look for “anomalous” things in the sky. It could even analyze whether the same object is seen on two different cameras separated by some distance to determine speed and trajectory.

    My hunch is that the “proof” a lot of people are looking for wouldn’t take too long to find.

  5. It’s a moth really close to the frame getting blown out by the night vision light and the trail behind is just pixles from a shitty camera… if this were a fireball in the sky we’d see the horizon / tree line glow a little before the object appears there is no illumination at all. I see this all the time with my ring cam in night vision when something just off cam passes in front of it closely

  6. Worked with security cameras for years. This isn’t anything special sorry.. This is inferred video, inferred cameras generally have multiple IR Leds, which illuminate the area, the light is invisible to us humans but the camera can see it (making it excellent for security cameras).

    What you’re seeing is an insect or bug very close to the camera hence the very bright white colour, it’s over exposed due to the cameras auto ISO being set to match the majority of the image, most cameras do not support WDR(Wide dynamic range), and due to the shutter speed being very low to absorb as much ambient light as possible it has a huge streek to it.

    Sorry I want legit UFO videos as much as anyone else, but I see this effect multiple times a night, it’s nothing out of the ordinary.

  7. This is my old stomping grounds. Get a bacon, egg and cheese at the Channingville deli and a cup of coffee in a styrofoam cup and sit by the Hudson and watch the ducks paddle through the water chestnuts. Peak.

  8. At first I thought the footage was sped up, but it’s happening in normal speed real time, judging by the lights that are flashing on some of the boats……

    what the fuck is thaaaaaat

    100% Definitely not a bug. If it was a bug flying close to the camera, you’d be able to tell what kind it was. Face palm. Some of y’all need to do some critical thinking before you type

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