Он сказал это в этом видео, которое сейчас транслируется в прямом эфире: https://youtu.be/ZUZUyck6KoU?t=17m55s Отметка времени: 17:55 — 20:00
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Кулхарт: «Мне говорят это [UFO phenomenon] это будущие люди. Есть опасение, что обнародование этого изменит временную шкалу».
I’m so fucking stoned
It’d be cool if they had a gigantic UFO on the outside and inside it’s just a small cramped space.
We totally didn’t put a pyramid over it
Would be insane if that would be the one..
*»shape of a discus with a diameter of 3341m. It has its center midway between the mountains Skaitevaara and Pahtavaara within what is known as Zone A in the Esrange area. It has a hard hull that is located directly against the bedrock with a perfect fit. There are considerable natural cavities between the colony’s hull and bedrock. Nor are there any aisles up to the surface. Except for the one we blew up, to get us down.*
*The hull is mostly nonmetallic but there are exceptions. The center part is a 250m wide slightly raised (about 1.20m) triangle, on the top of the colony, which is covered by a jumble of circular patterns of different sizes and of different metal alloys that give it different colors. • Our tunnels begin ined a long tunnel that slopes about 10 degrees down towards the middle of the colony, at 450m deep right abovefis, the center of the colony we had lisrst our «has» with offices, labs, toilets and a coffee room, the hair base we called the central. Directly below the central, we have eroded a cavity between the hull and the mountain where we can explore the hull. It is high ceilings and cont to be called the church. From the church, the tunnels branch out to 12 tunnels along the hull in all directions of different lengths, four of which reach to the edges and one goes down a bit below the 010 colony and is meant to follow it all the way to the center of the underside. Mcn that tunnel has some way to go before it is completed.»*
Someone find this building now
If the small ones open up into a football field inside what’s in a Amazon warehouse size unit? A world?
It’s whatever is below Denver International Airport
Isn’t that the plot of the first Transformers movie? That they built the Hoover Dam to hide Devious prime or somesuch?
Seriously who builds these things? Army Corps of Engineers can’t 100% be responsible for everything. Why wouldn’t anyone from the crew talk? You figure there would be dozens of guys from the trades in there, so they’d all have plenty of plausible deniability if it leaked.
Same for all the other secret shit. Like «I’m an elevator tech and I repaired an elevator that goes 200 ft underground in the middle of the desert». We should be talking to those types of guys
CERN. It requires large amount of power and people have been worried that it could open a gateway between dimensions. Tap right into the UFO for a power source and any other tech they may need.
language is key. he actually said «what if….?» & «I’ve heard….» which is quite different from saying «THERE IS….» but it did its job & got people excited &engaged with his content.
You peeps got all sorts of ideas (pyramids, Vatican, CERN).. and I’m loving every ounce of it 😍😍😍
My vote is boring Warehouse 🙋♀️
Every day now: “Whistleblower makes astonishing UFO/UAP claim!.” Excellent, I think. Now for the pictures, corroborating testimony, confirmation, irrefutable evidence — only crickets…..”On to the next whistleblower claim everybody!”
I just added the timestamp to the opening post
Palace of Peace and Reconciliation, Astana, Kazakhstan
What if planets are just one big ufo 🤯
It’s under The Meadowlands right next to Jimmy Hoffa
Could it be Antarctica? That could possibly explain the secrecy of the area and the multiple things that are pretty much blurred out or removed on Google Earth.
A Amazon fulfillment center
PZL-Mielec / Lockheed in Poland. Would be my guess too. Lockheed the prime candidate for a US corp with alleged UFO connections and Poland happens to be the only country outside the US where they own/lease a building (via an acquisition). Someone already made a detailed post about it on here.
Probably built a futeball stadium over it
Clearly it’s the Pentagon 😂
Someone would have noticed if it was recent so it is likely an old building.
Solomons Temple
Source: trust me bro
US Embassy in Baghdad Iraq …largest in world
Imagine all the fake building in The UK and shit and imagine how inconspicuous a building can really get.
wouldn’t be surprised if it’s inside one of the former USSR’s closed cities
Apologies people, i messed up the timestamp again.
It actually begins at 17:55
I am wondering what are the chances that humans would be able to reverse engineer non human technology if countries like India, Turkey and Egypt cannot accomplish much to reverse engineer advanced western tech?
Emerald tablets says the Sphinx
perhaps its located in or underneath the temples in India, especially the ones forbidden to be opened because it holds the bramastra shirsa or some ancient super weapon a.k.a. advanched tech by indian folklore ?
Wait isn’t this the plot of Transformers
Camp Century in Greenland might be a candidate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_Century
It’s a UGO then… Unidentified Grounded Object. Coulthart has a lot of great stories and talks about other people who have told him a lot of great stories.
But stories they remain, until we see evidence.
It’s where the Large Hadron Collider is…
Maybe the real building on top of a UFO was the friends we made along the way