Увидел эту штуку и все еще в замешательстве

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Я видел эту вещь (которую я описываю своему другу на скриншоте), и это было не ясное видение, а как будто оно возникло как ясный образ из очень яркого воспоминания. Я увидел какое-то сморщенное лицо, которое явно не выглядело человеческим, и описал его как можно лучше. Мне до сих пор очень любопытно, что это было, никогда раньше со мной ничего подобного не случалось, кроме этого лета. Кто-нибудь сталкивался с чем-то подобным? У меня также были некоторые другие «видения» (например, яркий сон с небом, полным инопланетных кораблей, тарелок и сфер), после одной ночи попыток связаться с любыми инопланетянами, которые я мог посредством медитации. (в то время я очень увлекался Гриром и дружелюбными инопланетянами, о которых он говорил, я надеялся связаться с ними, я не занимался его CE5 или даже не знал об этом в то время, я был полным любителем, пытавшимся подобную медитацию для в первый раз, но очень сосредоточенный, я также был пьян и параноиком, потому что я не знаю, почему я так легко пугаюсь и у меня проблемы со злоупотреблением психоактивными веществами) У меня возникло это сильное ощущение неизбежного вторжения с их стороны, когда я смотрел на них в небо в своем мне приснился сон, но потом я вспомнил, что говорила Грир о дружелюбных инопланетянах, и по-детски подумал: «О боже, все в порядке, потому что они дружелюбны и наши друзья!!» И начал отчаянно махать им из моего окна. После этого у меня появилось сильное чувство «вау, она очень наивная», исходящее от них. И это заставило меня остановиться и задуматься, потому что я был очень наивен. С этого лета я испытал много такого, с чем никогда раньше не сталкивался, и о чем я могу рассказать, если кому-то интересно. Я бы напечатала все это, но теперь мой телефон глючит, работает медленно и меня раздражает, поэтому я просто загружу картинку и пойду дальше 🫶🏻

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10 комментарий для “Увидел эту штуку и все еще в замешательстве”
  1. This may sound crazy, but this is actually not too uncommon. Expessialy in occultic circles where people seek out contact. It’s how these entities communicate. Many people have had encounters in the exact way you’ve described. I’ve personally had encounters where physical objects were manipulated in the eyes of multiple witnesses, no drugs involved, no ordinary explinations. As someone who’s seen some weird shit, you don’t have schitzofrenia. There most definitely are entities to be careful of. That being said, if you simply talk to them or ask something from them, they might respond. They’re very much like people.

  2. While intoxicated and hyper focused it would be very much expected to feel like whatever you were focusing on was … manifesting, or some such… Not sure the word I’m looking for tbh.

    If you’re having feelings like that when not intoxicated it could absolutely mean you have any number of disorders. Or it could mean absolutely nothing. What you’re describing could be a form of paranoia, social anxiety, schizophrenia, and/or any number of other disorders just referred to as dissociative disorders. The mind isn’t black and white where everything is this, or it’s that, or it’s nothing, and not everyone with a disorder of the mind has the same experiences or even experiences common symptoms the same.

    That said you’re probably just tripping yourself out. Couldn’t hurt to talk to someone to be sure but I wouldn’t worry about it. And I certainly wouldn’t worry about dem aliens I can’t see but feel like are there anyway.

  3. I had something similar during a meditation session using methods from the gateway experience.

    I was laying in my bed, using theta waves, and had been in a deep focus for a while, and decided to go into expanded awareness (focus 10 and 12) and sort of.. call out.

    I «saw» a gray space all around me, but I got the impression that I could only see a little into it. It was like there was a bubble around me (imagine one of those aquariums that have the spaces you can crawl up underneath) and just outside of it, I could see silhouettes and shapes of beings kind of coming up to the «glass» and circling around me. I could see facial details on some of them, and the thing OP saw reminded me of one of the ones I saw. Some of them looked kind of intimidating, but I didn’t feel threatened or in danger, more just.. observed, or perceived. I think I just thought of saying hello while in that state to prompt this.

    And when I say I «saw» this, I mean in my vision while my eyes were closed.. it looked sort of like one of those old photo viewer toys with the little film wheels you could look through, low field of view and also quite small in my view. One of the remote viewers that trained with the gateway experience during the CIA’s project stargate described it as looking through a hole poked in cardboard… if that helps describe how it looked to «see».

    But yeah, anyway, OP your experience is interesting and I wouldn’t worry about feeling crazy. I just wonder if there was something outside.

  4. The exact same thing happened to me!! It was about 2am and I was just starting to doze off when I heard an unusual sound that startled me. I opened my eyes and looked around the room. Nothong was out of the ordinary and I closed my eyes. That’s when I «saw» the face of a grey in my head. Just like you, this vivid mental image was intrusive and felt as if it was forced on me. I felt a raw fear that left me desperate for it to get out of my head. The face felt menacing and conveyed a sense of dominance. It was awful.

  5. For some clarification bc I am horrible story teller: I mentioned being drunk, but that was only during the meditation that I attempted, absolutely nothing happened during the meditation so I assumed I was too drunk to do it correctly and went to bed. Then, during that night, after waking up once and going back to sleep, I get that dream. I see those ships and wave at them, it felt like it was real life because that dream was so vivid. There were so so so many ships, the entire sky was lined with them. I was shocked at the sheer quantity of them and it started to feel less like a fun interesting moment and more like an ominous one and I started to wonder why there was so many of them. Then when I remembered that there are friendly aliens in out there apparently and started waving frantically at them going like “hey guys!!” And then in response I still felt that ominous feeling from them and also a lil sprinkle of “wow she is very naïve, very gullible”.

    The face that I saw was when I was completely sober, in the shower, minding my own business, when I hear a LOUD helicopter sound as if it’s directly above my house, as I go look for glasses and the source of the noise, this face phases in and out of my vision.

  6. I would take a break from the substances and focus on yourself and the world around you. I’m not saying you did not experience what you described, but it does sound like some Anxiety and could lead to psychosis or depersonalization.

    Just take care of yourself and try not to worry about the future too much. Careful what you allow your consciousness to invite to visit.

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