Конгресс Мексики проводит вторую сессию НЛО с участием перуанских мумий

Конгресс Мексики проводит вторую сессию НЛО с участием перуанских мумий

9 комментариев для “Конгресс Мексики проводит вторую сессию НЛО с участием перуанских мумий

  1. «Tuesday’s session, at times, dipped into a more extreme explanation. Argentine surgeon Celestino Adolfo Piotto said he believed, after reviewing test results and images of the bodies, they were an evolved version of today’s human beings, calling them «our descendants»

  2. I think at this point they need to have 2 government scientists sent from a few G7 countries to confirm. Until then it’s going to continue to be dismissed by the mainstream media.

  3. I’m not sure what’s up with the deleted comments, but if I could explain myself a bit… I think this article is relevant not because of the hearing itself, and especially not because it involves Maussan. But I think the signed letter is substantial, and I want to hear more opinions on the matter.

  4. It really is interesting to watch the machinations of various organizations surrounding the UFO/UAP/aliens/phenomena subjects. To me all of this truly says it is all real and these organizations and people are doing whatever they can to make it fiction.

    If it wasn’t so serious it would be funny — trying to keep such a huge secret secret that CANT be kept secret.

    Some times I think we would be better off forgetting all this and just use the internet to watch porn !!!

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