Майкл Эррера — Морские пехотинцы США сталкиваются с НЛО Операция по торговле людьми Black Ops | СГД №66 (Часть 1)

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Майкл Эррера — Морские пехотинцы США сталкиваются с НЛО Операция по торговле людьми Black Ops | СГД №66 (Часть 1)


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35 комментарий для “Майкл Эррера — Морские пехотинцы США сталкиваются с НЛО Операция по торговле людьми Black Ops | СГД №66 (Часть 1)”
  1. This guy was one of the whistleblowers Greer had on during his press conference a little while back. If what he’s saying holds truth, it’s one of the more insane revelations to come out as of late.

  2. At 1:09:05
    This was really weird to me, Shawn asks if he reviewed the pictures that he took of the UAP before his camera was taken. Keep in mind he had pictures of the UAP for weeks on his camera and never looked at them. Shawn asks him why did you not look at the pictures you took? The guest freezes and eyes go big and he says I was scared? Wtf I don’t buy it

  3. I’m luke warm on Shawn Ryan. He has had some guests on that said things that were outright false. I like Ryan’s format and was surprised to hear these ‘facts’ but after looking them up, I realized it was bullshit. Kinda taints some of the stuff I see on his show. Then he hosted Greer….

  4. Gawd this Herrera guy bugs me. This is the 2nd time in two podcasts (previous was UAP with Stephen Diener) that he’s gone off the rails at the end about Covid baloney and Front Line Doctors BS. He also doesn’t hide his partisanship right off the bat: «it’s the only good thing this government has done».

    If he’s susceptible to false narratives that badly, that the vast majority of science and health experts the world over (not just in the US) were wrong about Covid, and doctors were paid tens of thousands for each infection (facepalm), then he’s going to be susceptible to an awful lot more BS. Anything else anyone tells him, he’s gonna buy it if it reinforces what he already thinks.

    I think he saw what he saw. And that’s super weird. But take everything else he says about human smuggling, space travel since the 50’s, and covid conspiracy and throw it in the trash. Once in awhile you throw out something valuable… but most of what you find in the garbage is, well… garbage.

  5. I’m on the fence. His story is compelling but I would really like to see some corroborating evidence that he testified in front of congress, that he was stationed in Indonesia, and that he’s not a pathological liar.

    I’d like to see an interview with a credible journalist who does their research and asks difficult questions. Then I would be far more inclined to believe him.

  6. As sickening as it is to even entertain the thought of situations such as the one mentioned here, the criminal enterprise of human trafficking is more wide-spread than any of us could ever imagine. The prevalence of how far and deep this heinous web is weaved would likely cause a revolution if the public was informed of the facts.

  7. again, why? so the aliens are helping us do human trafficking? why? what do they get out of it?

    or did we already reverse engineer one of these…and use them for human trafficking instead of, idk, literally anything else. in that case, who’s behind it? the gov? why do they need a ufo? if they’re going to go through the trouble of making sure a whole lot of people agree to human traffic and agree to keep quiet about it, also agree to keep quiet about the ufo. why not just use a plane then?

    and come on, you fucking reverse engineer a ufo but still have to land it? fuck that, you fucking reverse engineer a ufo but can’t build 50 sex robots?

  8. I don’t know if anyone else picked up on this but Shawn Ryan asks Herrera a question along the lines, «So, the five of you testified?» I thought it implied Herrera and the rest of his team had testified to the Senate Intelligence Community, or maybe he was referring to Greer’s other whistleblowers. Herrera glosses over the question and doesnt answer it directly. Just a weird ineraction I noticed.

  9. Some on this sub are suspicious of the CIA until a former CIA officer brings on a guy claiming that a reversed engineered UAP is being used for human trafficking…

  10. I have no idea how credible either of these guys are so perhaps someone can fill me in.

    It was a interesting watch. Kinda weird how as soon as he talked about humans being put on the ship he immediately changed the subject to talk about the ship.

    No questions as to why they would be loading humans up??

  11. Herrera is part of Greer’s goon team, and part of the scam Greer is running where he asked for 50 million dollars by the end of the year.

    They’re trying to scare people by saying there will be a bloodbath by that time if they don’t get the money. It’s a scam, fully.

    Hopefully he’ll be sitting with nothing and the people he promised to make rich will sell him out.

  12. I don’t think most people have interacted with pathological liars. But if you have, you know how fine-tuned your internal BS radar becomes. This guy is full of crap. The story doesn’t even make sense. They’re dropped off, spitting distance from a UFO (of ALL places they could have been dropped off), the pilots don’t notice a rotating, 300 foot long octagonal aircraft in the middle of the jungle, they’re not given comms (very strange), they witness a super high tech human trafficking operation (he thought it was drugs at the time) and are simply walked back to safety, he never looks at the footage he took of the UFO, and, of course, all photographic evidence and witnesses are either taken or won’t testify. It’s just him — a lone martyr. I’ve always been fascinated by UFOs. I don’t think we’re alone. We’re going through an interesting pro-UFO period in history. Lots of bizarre stories are coming out. Some are much more credible than others. But that doesn’t mean every person that claims to have a UFO story is telling the truth. That would be like saying because the «me too» movement happened and a handful of women were raped by Harvey Weinstein that every woman that claims to be raped must be telling the truth. I think Shawn’s show is great. But this guy screams pathological liar/narcissist.

  13. Any Marine who has ever served knows this story is a load of crap.

    Michael says there carrying 200 rounds of ammunition each, travelling light enough to be able to run to helicopters which are mounted with twin 50’s to provide fire support.

    He says his fellow Marine the Felujah veteran says before the patrol «if you look at me and I’m ok, then everything is ok.»

    Sounds like it’s a real hot zone.

    So what happens next????? The patrol comes across armed unidentified males who appear to have military training and what does Michael say his fellow Marines do? They hand over there rifles and I.D Cards. Booooolshiiiiiit. This is a cop out to every Marine who has ever served.

  14. I’m probably not part of the UFO/UAP scene but have a very strong guess based on CIA operations I’ve read about before. I’d be more than interested to get your opinion on the following.

    As in many cases, I think the truth is somewhere in between. Let me explain.

    What I believe:

    — He was a soldier dropped off in that jungle.
    — He’s encountered these high profile guys. My guess is that it was a standard CIA operation where they secretly removed some kind of hidden surveillance technology in the jungle that could suddenly be recognized due to the natural disaster there.
    — These black operation guys didn’t know what to do so they threatened him and let him sign NDAs later, which probably happened several times in foreign countries when top secret operation guys meet other US soldiers unintentionally.
    — There was a top secret special craft that could hover a bit and load everything on it fast and would fly away. Probably designed by Lockheed or another company.

    What I don’t believe:

    — That it was some kind of UFO flying away in such a high speed. Probably he couldn’t think clearly in that situation and just experienced that way in the moment (or he lies).
    — That he was threatened with helicopters flying over his house (probably paranoia or just lies).
    — That it was a human trafficking operation. There must be a more efficient way to secretly bring humans from one place to another. My guess is the guy who told him so just assumed that.

    As mentioned above, I’d expect a higher likelihood that it was a CIA operation regarding (de-)installing secret surveillance devices on-site. I’ve heard about a well-known CIA operation before that which went wrong when they were doing exact that. They tried installing some kind of surveillance antenna in the jungle in China that looked like a real rock so that nobody can recognize it but were caught by Chinese authorities. Similar operation now — just another jungle.

  15. 1. Was he one of the witnesses to fail a background check by the minority in the house?

    2. We have a hearing coming up to the HOC. The possibility of one coming was picking up steam around this time period. Why decide to do an interview on a podcast before?

    3. Is this interview conducted because the HOC decided not to include him?

    4. Why Greer? He’s not former military. He has/ had options to approach people who are former military. Many of them asked for others to come forward to them.

    I hope someone is out there with resources to do a deep dive on his time in the military and immediately thereafter.

  16. I thought he was more believable on the podcast.

    Other questions I would have:

    1). Can’t the senate intelligence cmmte track down his squad mates to confirm the story even if they don’t want to get involved? Maybe they did..

    2). If he took pictures and they let him leave with them, why wouldn’t he want to protect them instead of just putting them in his locker and going elsewhere.

    3) I wasn’t clear how it ended. Did the black uniform troops leave on the craft or in trucks separately?

  17. I can understand he was dumbfounded as all this was happening. But why didn’t he ask the captors “wtf is that thing?” after It went flying across the sky. He was just silent the entire time?

  18. Without hearing/seeing credible/legit evidence of the UFO theory, I don’t have an opinion one way or the other.

    However, while we’re on the topic, for those of you attempting to debunk or dismiss the deeply embedded epidemic of child/human trafficking…

    Does anyone know what happened to the approx. 85k unaccompanied migrant kids that were being detained by border patrol/DHS? Where have they disappeared to?

    Here’s a head-start…


    Starts at 2:50 mark:


    Hearing: Oversight of the Unaccompanied Children Program: https://youtu.be/ABjN7SoEJg8

    Here’s where 6 of the 85k ended up: https://youtu.be/_lEmMR7GTpg

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