Когда я вижу такие вещи, я думаю о груше

Что, если за каждой мыслью о военных и возможностях стоит прогресс, достигнутый одной страной в развитии технологии UAP?

33 комментария для “Когда я вижу такие вещи, я думаю о груше

  1. Actually just watched a documentary recently about a Chinese lady who came up with anti-gravity patents here, then went back to China years ago and can’t be located now. I wouldn’t discount it at all

  2. Listened to an interview, probably years back now, from a high level DoD administrator essentially quitting as a form of protest. He was saying that China is so far ahead of us on military AI technology that it is staggering. The problem being our leadership being so politicized and stuck in the old ways that our defense in this field was a decade behind, which in the tech world is practically ancient history.

    Yes we have corporations that are advanced; however, unlike organizations in China ours and the UK’s corporation allegiances are with profit, not national defense.

  3. China is whooping the USAs ass in research and development. The pentagon realizes this and they likely now want full disclosure so that the US citizenry will provide direct funding and resources.

  4. Yeah the US is fighting over basic human rights issues other countries decided 100 years ago, because it makes politicians rich. Anyone who’s traveled to Europe or Asia can plainly see the US is at least 50 years behind every other established country in terms of medical care, transportation, and housing. I for one hope the aliens come down and torch everything

  5. China isn’t winning because they possess alien tech, they’re winning because their students are focused on math and science instead of however many genders we have this week.

  6. Who would have guessed that making higher education a debt trap where only the rich can graduate not laden with mountains of financial burden, and then importing Indians to fill all the high paying jobs at undercutting prices so those students end up working at starbucks and living with their parents might degrade our ability to progress as a society.

  7. This honestly comes down to drugs. We have stringent testing pretty much at all these high lvl jobs that need clearance or in the military. A HUGE portion of our best mined people smoke weed or more with no intention of stopping.

    There isn’t enough money or prestige in it to give up their fun time.. When they can just go work at instacart or some other tech or security company and just bug hunt or something on the side.

    Edit: I should also mention a lot of seats in good colleges are filled with people from other countries, which gimps us long term in these sectors.

  8. Mostly because politics and religion keep us from any real innovation.

    Corporate greed also doesn’t help.

    If it wasn’t for a few people at my university poo pooing my designs, we’d probably have Iron Man level technology by now.


  9. Thanks to espionage China has closed the gap in naval tech thanks to people like Chi Mak spying against the US. Also as someone already listed the person who took anti gravity tech back to China with them.

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