Инопланетяне снова вернулись в палаты Конгресса Мексики. На этот раз ведущий сказал, что нашел «новый вид».

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Инопланетяне снова вернулись в палаты Конгресса Мексики. На этот раз ведущий сказал, что нашел «новый вид».

От admin

27 комментарий для “Инопланетяне снова вернулись в палаты Конгресса Мексики. На этот раз ведущий сказал, что нашел «новый вид».”
  1. I’ve heard a wide array of conflicting claims pertaining to osmium and these specimens. But I can’t find sources for the claims, so perhaps someone following this topic closely can point me in the right direction as far as videos and time stamps or articles. So far I’ve seen multiple Redditors claim that these specimens had eggs, medical chip implants and bone-fused breastplates all made of nearly 100% pure osmium which supposedly cannot naturally occur in even trace amounts in the the area where they were found, and with osmium prices being nearly $1400/gram that makes these specimens worth thousands of dollars. I’ve seen multiple posts mentioning one or more of these claims, but I haven’t seen a source or citation provided for any of them. Is this just a game of telephone where people only repost what they’ve heard and each time details change or can someone verify these claims? The sheer amount of threads regarding this topic lately makes sifting through comments for sources a nightmare. I wish there was a single thread with all the information presented with accompanying citations and sources to cut down on hearsay.

  2. TL;DR:

    * Journalist José Jaime Maussan again testified extraterrestrials were real to Mexico’s congress.
    * He brought in multiple doctors who said the specimens he examined were real.
    * The trial is the second concerning UFOs or extraterrestrials to happen in Mexico’s congress.

  3. To be honest this is getting annoying. Get some of this stuff to universities around the globe and let it be studied freely. If they are finding new species every week it is time for thorough peer reviews.

  4. Has America or other Nations acknowledged these specimens in any real governmental way, or in the news? I haven’t seen anything about them except for here. I haven’t done any real digging but you would think that these bodies, if real, would be pretty major news and everybody would be talking about them. I live in Canada though and our government is trying to put a strangle hold on what news we are allowed to see.

  5. Idiots, can’t you see? ???? It’s so very simple, focusing inward and bettering yourself is what the establishment in all countries and society, are afraid that we will accomplish with such an information rich data tool like the internet.

  6. “In 2017, Maussan made similar claims in Peru, and a report by that country’s prosecutor’s office found the bodies were actually «recently manufactured dolls, which have been covered with a mixture of paper and synthetic glue to simulate the presence of skin.»

    When obvious fakes like this keep getting pushed to the forefront it lessens the impact of real findings. This guy is a complete hack and I bet a lot of the “experts” supporting this crap are being paid off. It’s a convenient distraction from all the shit going on in the world don’t ya think?

  7. Maybe I missed something or I’m just stupid but…. How do alien bodies that are found still contain skin? Dead humans and dinosaurs, mega fauna etc. that are 100’s-1000’s of years old only have bone left? Even after a few years animal bones are found with no skin? Why do these things have skin? And if they are fake why are we not just faking bones? The way that we find a body.

  8. Holy smokes, what a slam piece to down play this topic!

    *»The Mexican government put on a spectacle of debating aliens (again) just weeks after a hurricane ravaged the coast to discuss if aliens are real. Several doctors and government officials testified these were real, but in 2017 bodies were claimed to be real and they weren’t. No one said these were extraterrestrials, so there’s that.»*

  9. Just asking for clarification:
    There’s different levels of real. It could be a composite of different species body parts. Each price examined on its own would show there real. What about as a package in its entirety?
    I think the same way with DNA. It has DNA but how do we know it’s the same DNA as a whole entity?

  10. I’m a physician in surgical training right now, published as a research scientist in the US (a total of around 100 publications at major institutes).

    The scans are showing completely legitimate, congruent skeletons. Some fakes seem to be added to the mix (at least one upper extremity?).

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