Предполагаемый кадр из фильма о базе ВВС Холломан

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РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: РАЗВЕРНУТ как [Moller XM2](https://twitter.com/MusicAndTruth/status/1600006541612130304?s=20). Спасибо u/zeioiidx за находку. Поскольку приземление на базе ВВС Холломан в последнее время кажется очень оживленной темой, я подумал, что многим из вас будет интересен этот предполагаемый кадр из фильма. Информация об этом изображении кажется скудной, возможно, некоторые из вас смогут найти больше и либо опровергнуть, либо доказать достоверность этого слайда.

[Alleged slide supposedly from Learning Channel documentary](https://preview.redd.it/tw4zqj8tnw1b1.jpg?width=304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=fb5295ed7d3983febfda2de67365e2fa969d278a) Источник: [https://alienade.tripod.com/newshollo.html](https://alienade.tripod.com/newshollo.html)

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2 комментарий для “Предполагаемый кадр из фильма о базе ВВС Холломан”
  1. This is not just a frame. There is a video of this, I remember seeing it. And I thought the craft in this image was something man-made although I can’t remember what it ended up being. You can see [on this Tweet](https://twitter.com/528vibes/status/1599981871646924800?t=utMlZ3vKEKbW8KCDMfpv2A&s=19) that there’s another frame of this. I definitely saw a short video clip of this on the internet. It was wobbling and looked like it was struggling to stay aloft. Apparently this is what it is, a [Moller XM-2](https://twitter.com/MusicAndTruth/status/1600006541612130304?s=20)

  2. «Some of you may remember the story of the purported April 24, 1964 landing of a UFO at Holloman AFB in New Mexico. This story was presented as a hypothetical scenario of alien contact in the book «UFOs: Past, Present & Future» as well as in the documentary UFOs: It Has Begun.

    If you recall, at around 5:30 am on that day, three UFOs flew into Holloman’s airspace and were tracked on radar. One of the saucers appeared to be wobbling and in trouble. This lone saucer landed at Holloman and the aliens disembarked the craft to communicate with the Air Force Base officials!

    It is claimed that this landing never really took place and is an urban legend of sorts, based on a training film that new officers were shown when stationed at Holloman. But some say that this training film looked incredibly real! It is alleged that the film was the «real thing» and shown to the officers as a psychological experiment.

    Many of those stationed at Holloman remember this «training» film they were shown entitled «What If They Land?» This film depicted this same scenario of a UFO landing at the base and aliens emerging from the craft. The officer who was in charge of ordering all training films and other equipment does not recall ordering the film. He also does not recall of disposing of the film either, which is exactly what happened to it! The original film was reported as «missing» in the 1970s and remains as such to this present day.

    A copy of the film was apparently made, because a still image made from a frame of that film was sent to the training officer in charge of the original film. The frame was cut from a very new film…it was not yellowed and the sprockets weren’t tattered as they were on the original film when it was last seen. The training officer does verify that the image of the UFO on the frame matches that of the original film.

    In February, The Learning Channel used this frame within part of their documentary on the UFO phenomenon. As far as I know, this is the first time it has been seen on any website and identified as a frame of the «missing» Holloman AFB film.»


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