«а потом начался ад…»

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«а потом начался ад…»

«and then all hell broke loose..»
byu/Arethum inaliens

От admin

25 комментарий для “«а потом начался ад…»”
  1. I absolutely loved this interview and found it fascinating. I found this guy to be very credible. The one thing I was disappointed about was that he mentioned that there were so many other episodes and some that he witnessed. But he didn’t elaborate on that. I wonder why? Maybe he didn’t want to talk about it yet and he will in the future?

    If so many people witness this, then they have to start coming out to discuss it. I feel like if more people corroborated his story, then it would be very difficult to dismiss.

  2. You guys ever realize, that you couldn’t get to the bottom of the UFO phenomenon If you tried.

    There’s just too many stories, too many testimonies, too many sightings, for this all to be nothing. The simplest answer to all of this, is that it’s all true.

  3. This is controlled slow drip disclosure at work… But why now unless this is how it’s always been done, if it is extraterrestrials they have done this before so this is a protocol we have to endure. Some of us have been waiting our entire lives for this and never dreamed I would know anything but lies. I could have used this information since birth. Or it’s crypto terrestrials (The old Gods) Turning Earth into something else sending us to our fate.

  4. Anyone who comes forward and has a business-like demeaner or unsuspecting composure, they’re the people I listen to. Everyone has nothing to gain and something to lose by publicly discussing what they saw regarding UFOs. What would the end game be? They drive home from the interview snickering to themselves? Some stupid PsyOp? Ain’t nobody got time fur that!

  5. So. Many. Holes.
    I was there as a USAF SecFo
    They were broadcasting nervously
    ‘I just jumped in my car’ ?
    It took off NE (over Lompoc? Santa Maria?)
    I have one eyewitness account (not his own?)
    This was 20 years ago, so many events (?) they are conflated(?) in his head…

    Someone get this guy a glass of water already.
    Gonna pass on all of this.

    Reason: I worked at Vandenberg 20years ago in the HPF. SLC 4 was phasing out. SpaceX wasn’t a tenant until 2012. Hundreds of people drive right up to Surf Beach amtrak station (less than a mile from these pads) and have been watching launches since I was a kid. His story just doesnt seem to add up to me.

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