Amazon заплатит вам 1 миллион долларов за кадры с пришельцами из вашего дверного звонка

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Amazon заплатит вам 1 миллион долларов за кадры с пришельцами из вашего дверного звонка

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36 комментарий для “Amazon заплатит вам 1 миллион долларов за кадры с пришельцами из вашего дверного звонка”
  1. Meh, I find this more annoying than anything else, some deuche came up with this in some boring meeting and probably thinks he’s genius.

    Such obvious pandering/trying for a viral moment.

  2. No they wont, they just want you to buy their products and this is bait enough for people who believe in UFOs and are still on the fence about smart home products to buy them. smh

  3. Omg this is huge, amazon is finally alluding to aliens being real. This is going change the world forever. Any believers want to fund cameras and subscriptions for us true believers in the community? If we all set up some cameras near our houses the likelihood of spotting aliens will go up to 99 — 100%, and then we can collect the one milly and split it amongst us. like the video game. What do you y’all think? Amazon is presenting a once if a life time opportunity. Do we have any interweb savvy members that can set up some donation website so we can all get ring cameras to collect the 1 milly$ bounty? Dont forget that we need at least years subscriptions too.

  4. Yeah, because aliens casually hang out at people’s frontyards.

    I can’t think of the amount of hoaxes that are going to be made because of this. Can we freaking ban multi-billionaires from the alien game? They only muddy the already very muddied waters. Seems like a further «ridicule-the-topic» campaign.

  5. Well… 2 months ago, someone rang at my door around 1am. There was no sound in my house, just this lousy bell sound. Extremely frightening. I tried to see who rang from my roof, but didn’t see anyone. The next day I wondered « what if it was an alien? ».

  6. It is a really good marketing campaign like others have said.
    Purchase our product and send us a video of aliens on our device, to win $$$$. They sell the product and at the same time. Worst case scenario all of it is CGI content, which is still a positive bc movie teams can use this content to find the best and detailed CGI engineer/editor with a new or exotic looking alien to throw a movie behind. Or best case scenario. We get real evidence of an alien that no one can deny.
    Another alternative is law enforcement/government can use them to find evidence of crimes and follow suspects. The more people with ring cameras the easier it will be to track individuals, step by step literally.

    So even in the worst case scenario, the company will make huge profits while also giving the government and other companies a leg up on making profit or catching criminals. Seems to me that it’s a massive benefit to everyone involved. Even the consumers can benefit from this campaign. More users means more neighbors on the good neighbor app, therefore shady individuals breaking into cars will be caught quicker bc of all the ring cameras following them from the moment they enter the neighborhood

  7. I see some comments think it’s suspicious, no it’s not. The way I see it they are taking advantage of the news to sell more cameras and promote Amazon’s name. It’s called marketing people.

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