Я смотрел бок о бок кадры с дрона и спутниковые кадры, и именно тогда я заметил, что шары исходят из того же направления, что и следящий дрон, что нам не разрешено видеть. Возможно, экран спутника был записан таким образом, чтобы намеренно блокировать место, откуда прилетели шары, а не только следящий дрон. Возможно, он намеренно заблокировал запись хвостового дрона, потому что он выпустил упомянутые сферы.
FYI, you can see a sample of commercial satellite video of an aircraft in flight starting at the 49 second mark at https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=557378578&q=Jilin-1+satellite+Video&tbm=vid&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8yNzQ3OCAAxUaPEQIHQpoBowQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=1414&bih=774&dpr=1.25#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:b9501dcd,vid:h8H00lAboMs . Not in false color IR, though. Jilin-1 video satellites have a resolution of 92cm or 1.2m, frame rate 10fps, and video clips limited to 120sec.
The second orb doesn’t come from the direction of the drone… see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/15snh3t/original_satellite_uav_videos_posting_the/) at 0:24 seconds.
it comes from the opposite side of the plane from where the drone was.
edit: You can actually see the 2nd orb zoom over in the drone footage as well. see [here](https://youtu.be/cBwT_2bbeto?t=23) around :22-:23
What if the military was aware of some strange activity in the area. They send in a drone and have a satellite observe said drone. Then comes a civilian airliner and those orbs go after it instead of the drone?
Submission statement: is it possible the trailing drone wasn’t recorded because it was beside or near or even released the orbs. The orbs come from the same direction as the trailing drone, and also off camera.
Not only you’re thinking this could be the case. Testing of a weapon to intercept ICBMs, but here probably there were other reasons too
You see the first orb come in from out of view — can’t they follow that back to see where it came from? Why didn’t the pilots mention there were orbs surrounding the plane? Those are some questions I have but maybe they’ve been answered already.
Are you suggesting that the spheres were carried under the wings of a drone?
What can we estimate in terms of the size of the spheres? Multiple reports over the years suggest that they appear in different sizes. There are also reports of the objects changing size or merging and/or separating.
You are correct about the first sphere. It does appear to come from the same direction as the drone. The second sphere appears to come from below the plane. The third appears to come from the same direction as the first.
They did say that there was 4 tons of classified cargo heading for Beijing
Supports what I am beginning to think — this is entirely terrestrial technology. No NHI / ET involved at all. And in fact the broader UAP «disclosure» may be a distraction from terrestrial military wormhole capabilities.
The top right frame and top left frame are the same cloud… Why are you assuming there is a hole in the middle?
Is it possible to reverse image search these clouds? They have very specific patterns.