Что это за хроматическое пятно на небе?

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Таким образом, г/НЛО не приложили никаких усилий для объяснения, и им даже сказали, что они находятся внутри призмы, или проигнорировали это, потому что это чутье. Отличная работа, я должен сказать / я читаю, па, это повторяется над моим домом на юго-востоке, и кажется, что оно подпрыгивает, как тот НЛО в лентах Нелли. Сейчас 2/3 ночи, и я снимаю это в бинокль и на iPhone SE. чертовски трясется, но я поймал объект в кадре через бинокль, так что это хоть что-то. Я могу повторить эти результаты еще раз, а также подтвердить, что он действительно находится на небе между Луной и Плеядами. Я убежден, что это планета, звезда или комета, я ошибаюсь?

What is this chromatic smear in the sky?
byu/Agahnimseye inaliens

От admin

36 комментарий для “Что это за хроматическое пятно на небе?”
  1. It’s not

    — inside or something fake (I’m outside, confirmed with eye sight and my wife, not a binoculars problem)

    — a flare (there most nights and it moves side to side up and down for hours)

    I have pictures of it in relation to the moon. If you scrub through the video you can see stars near it appear and disappearing because of the binoculars edges.

  2. How long was this after sunset/before sunrise? Where was the footage shot (longitude & latitude)? What were the weather conditions? At what position was the phenomenon in the sky, relative to your position on the ground? Did it move? Did it rise and fall in luminosity?

    Sorry to badger for details, but I would need more information to make an educated guess.

    My uneducated guess would be that it was a reflection/refraction of light from ice crystals in the upper atmosphere, something akin to a sun dog. But I’ve never heard of one being visible at night.

  3. I saw something very similar to this in a dream a few weeks ago. It’s colors constantly cascaded and flowed in a cycle, kind of like if this were a still image of it. Probably nobody cares but it’s been in my mind and this strongly reminds me of it.

  4. I’m in rural oklahoma. we have neighbors that say they see » dancing stars» any night they’re out at 2-3 am. Same place in the sky. Rules out a lot of natural phenomena. I’ll check it out one of these days.

  5. >> I shoot this through binoculars and an iPhone SE

    The interaction of the two is quite possibly causing this. Looks like you reproduced astigmatism.

    >>I’m convinced it’s a planet or Star or comet, am I wrong?

    A star likely, a planet depends on the time you took the video, a comet depends on availability and location. There is no way of telling from this video IMHO.

  6. From my understanding which may be way off but I’ve seen a lot of stars do this in the sense that they look like they’re blinking/flashing very rapidly between colors. From what I’ve come to understand is that it’s a star or some celestial body reflecting it’s light to earth from however far out. As that light reaches our atmosphere and descends down it is going through multiple layers of different temperature air which causes a sort of refraction on the photons as our eye perceives it causing it to have a kind of prism effect for us. The blinking or rapid changing of light is our eye seeing it as the photons refract through the different air temp layers as it zigzags its way to our eye. Kind of like a rainbow except instead of precipitation it’s air. I may be way off too so take with a grain of salt. If what you’re seeing is constant and unchanging then I dunno that’s interesting but if it’s always in the same location in the sky and tracks appropriately with the other things you see like Pleiades then my guess is it’s def a star or planet/galaxy or whatever. I am able to see Pleiades from where I am at night so maybe I’ll remember to look up and see if I can see it too.

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