Доктор Джонатан Рид Встреча с пришельцами 15 октября 1996 г. Полное освещение
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It would be more believable with the sound off.
“Wasn’t a doctor or a phd and has no college degrees. Is actually a seattle resident named John Bradley Rutter. Has lived in seattle the entire time he has claimed to be on the run from evil government agents.”
Alright, not good start there. What the fuck happened to the dog? I hope there wasn’t a dog to begin with
This is the worst fake I’ve ever seen. (Yet)
Imagine… Just… Imagine thinking this is legit. Wow.
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Wasn’t this proven to be a hoax? Feel like i saw that somewhere
It’s funny to me how every “Alien” ever caught on video looks like some 1970s CGI alien. Like straight out of the Mos Eisley cantina in ANH
This is a full video of what Jonathan had recorded during 15 Oct 1996.
A video circulating on YouTube supposedly shows a panicked man examining the body of an alien who he shot after it vapourised his dog with an energy weapon.
Dr Jonathan Reed — who made the video — claims his trouble didn’t end there, as the alien came back to life, and then government agents stole all his good video, leaving only the blurred one circulating on YouTube.
But is the encounter — which supposedly happened in Washington in 1996 — really all it seems?
While Reed became a celebrity on the UFO circuit — and even published a book about his experience, many UFO fans are not convinced — saying that ‘Dr Jonathan Reed’ has refused to allow his evidence to be analysed, and that he may even be using a false name.
That first minute or two is so damn annoying..
When he rotates it’s head back and forth, the shoulders not body ever attempt to move with it. Also I never seen an entrance wound to what ever caused that exit wound. Looks fake to me