[Edit: I’ve seen that this post has been used to paint our subreddit in a bad light. That is not the case at all, the concerns I’ve posted about are due to the comments of a few individuals that do not represent the good character of this group. I should’ve included this disclaimer originally and I’m sorry for bad optics. Still I believe it needed to be said. If the community truly believes that having this post remain up is a net negative I will delete it.]
Ребята, я в ярости, как и все остальные здесь, из-за его клеветы на Груша, но я видел, как его личный адрес был опубликован здесь, и это меня серьезно беспокоит. Позвольте мне прояснить, если КТО-ТО из уфологического сообщества пойдет и будет беспокоить Клиппенштейна и его семью в их доме, это будет довольно плохо выглядеть для тех из нас, кто хочет, чтобы это была честная и профессиональная группа для раскрытия и анализа темы НЛО. . Мы могли бы даже иметь закон, который потенциально может появиться после этой подпрограммы, в зависимости от того, что произошло. Семья Клиппенштейна не заслуживает того, чтобы ее втягивали в его дерьмо. Давайте направим наш гнев в нужное место, The Intercept. Они платят Клиппенштейну и разрешают опубликовать эту статью. Если вам нужно куда-то пойти, идите туда и ведите себя *профессионально*, возможно, с хорошо продуманными пикетами и письмами с жалобами. И подпишите эту петицию, призывающую к прекращению работы Клиппенштейна: https://chng.it/JPS8dF2spB Моды, пожалуйста, примите меры по разглашению личного адреса Клиппенштейна. Всем остальным, пожалуйста, немедленно сообщайте об этих комментариях, если вы хотите сохранить это сообщество, которое мы построили, и не опускаться до уровня Клиппенштейна в обмене личной информацией. Мы лучше этого.
100% agree. Grusch is taking the high road. Follow his lead.
How does this community not realize Grusch knew this information would come out before he ever started this journey?
The man is trying to change the world. We are going to find out he failed 8th grade bio at some point.
None of it matters. We just need congress to get us the evidence.
He’s made his own bed, all we have to do is make sure he gets in it. There’s no need for such shenanigans, and like OP mentioned certainly no need to involve his family.
Having said that, I am taken aback by the *passion* on display here.
Yes. People. Do this with letters and words to your congressman and white house. Do research and publish truths . But please don’t harass anyone or stoop to their level. Be kind . Be above
It’s best to just highlight his shoddy “journalism” in a public manner and expose his pathetic attitude and behaviour. Why would one want to have any physical proximity to such a loathsome person?
I said this before. I agree with you. When he did this he crossed several other communities. I told you shit was going to get weird.
Feds send in a stooge “poor journalist gets attacked by crazed UFO follower”.
Wouldn’t even surprise me.
Outright stupid. The best response is to expose them and what they’ve done, as per the facts of the case, not play around with some childish vigilante action. That’s going nowhere.
If you are going uninvited to ANYBODY’S address you found on the internet, you are a seriously mentally unwell person and you need to seek professional help.
You stay classy San Diego
In his short little hit piece he managed to insult verterans, mentally ill people, whistleblowers, & conspiracy theorist. The only way this could have been any worse is if he mentioned Mohammed. No sympathy for this insect.
Tin foil hat time:
A lot of the doxxers are IC/DoD out of Fort Eglin trying to act as saboteurs to negatively shape the public perception of the UFO/UAP community.
I have zero proof or evidence and it’s just a hunch, but my gut feeling is that the possibility can’t be discounted or ignored. We know that reddit and Twitter are prime astroturfing targets in general and the mods in this sub have previously said that they see evidence of it happening at a higher rate than in the past.
Seeing how dishonest he is, I wouldn’t be surprised if he did that with a fake account, so later he can victimize himself.
Correct, let there be a proper investigation into how this happened.
Absolutely agree that would sink our case, would Play straight into the hands. Intimidation and threat has been their stock in trade for 70yrs do not copy.
I absolutely 100% agree; no one should go to this dude’s house—and you’re totally right about what you say.
But I gotta say, this also makes me think about how much I hate this whole «guilty by association» thing and how everyone’s a part of a «tribe» now, know what I mean? Just cause we are interested in UFOs doesn’t mean we endorse whatever anyone else who is interested in UFOs does. I could be a totally different person than some other person in this thread, and the only thing we have in common is that we are interested in UFOs. We might not even have the same beliefs regarding them. But it’s just the world we live in now. Everyone’s part of a «group» now.
It’s like just because someone who really likes Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups murders a whole family doesn’t mean I like murdering families just because chocolate and peanut butter is a match made in heaven. But next thing you know, eating anything Reese’s will mean you’re a piece of shit in the court of public opinion.
DO NOT post his address anywhere near this sub. And do not go to peoples’ houses. That’s not cool at all.
Whole heartedly agree.
I recorded his commentary on his hit piece on twitter space
He admits there that he was tipped off by IC.
While he did write a really ugly disgusting article, he did get his information by the books through FOIA… So let us respond in kind but also by the books.
But who provided him with the questions on where to look? We need to find out who his source was.
I suspect he might have gotten a tip from one of his connections from this article.
I’ve seen these comments as well, also people are posting his fathers phone number and stuff. I’ve been reporting all of it to the mods who refuse to take action.
Subreddits get banned for this shit by Reddit admins. Not to mention it’s deplorable behavior.
Just posted the same on another thread. Do we really think the best way to encourage people to take disclosure seriously and support Grusch is to act like a brigading mob? Or is the sub’s end goal to make it easier for the community to be lumped in with Q-anon MAGA lunatic incels and dismissed as conspiracy maniacs?
If you want to be seen as the hero, act like one.
Imagine what kind of a fucking loser you have to be to go stalk ANYONE at their house/family’s house.
Absolutely do not harass him at his home, do not harass his friends and family. Don’t doxx people. Jesus christ.
Edit: Find out who advertises on the Intercept and begin a campaign. They won’t give a shit until it starts hurting their bottom line.
PSA: doxxing is against Reddit ToS and will get you banned.
Completely unacceptable behaviour
God damn it, this does not help at all.
If you’re the sort to go to someone’s house and harass them over this you’re just as bad the people we want exposed.
Do you want to lose the high ground? The DoD would love to report that you’re as big a scumbag as Klepenstein.
Keep your attacks focused on his profession, leave his family alone.
Agreed, violence or even making someone feel unsafe is wrong. Even if it’s been done to us we can’t stoop to their level.
Ffs guys don’t do shit like OP is talking about. That’s stalking behavior and could get you a charge from police and thrown in jail. Plus it’s just WRONG. Be better than that.
It’s like they want a Pizzagate scenario where some overzealous nut does something stupid so that they can go, “See! This is debunked now — it’s simply too dangerous to discuss further.”