Почему я считаю, что статья The Black Vault несправедлива по отношению к Лю Элизондо

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В свете недавней статьи Black Vault о Лю Элизондо, я провел небольшое собственное исследование. The Debrief, в котором была опубликована сногсшибательная статья Лесли Кин и Ральфа Блюменталя о Дэвиде Груше и устаревших программах поиска UAP, в апреле 2022 года написала подробную статью об увольнении Гарри Рейда. Дебрифинг расследовал Рейда почти 2 года. Это действительно удивительно иметь такой контекст, когда вы читаете упомянутую статью Джона Гринвальда. Части об Элизондо находятся примерно в середине статьи, но вот некоторые важные части, которые мне особенно запомнились: ​ Статья The Debrief: [https://thedebrief.org/sex-lies-and-ufos-pentagons-head-of-counterintelligence-and-security-ousted/](https://thedebrief.org/sex-lies-and-ufos-pentagons-head-of-counterintelligence-and-security-ousted/) \-Говоря на условиях анонимности, высокопоставленный сотрудник министерства обороны, который знал о Инцидент сообщил * The Debrief *, что они точно знали, что расследование AFOSI 2017-2018 годов было проведено по указанию Рида как способ отомстить Элизондо. ​ \-«Рейд приказал Службе безопасности Министерства сельского хозяйства США внести запись в файл Элизондо о Scattered Castles, которая представляет собой систему допуска, используемую для прохождения межведомственного контроля IC, так что, если он попытается обратиться в любой SCIF в IC, Рид получит звонок и будет способен вызвать вопросы, чтобы межведомственные партнеры поверили, что есть «проблема», и не впустили его», — пояснил представитель Минобороны. «Это скрытый административный способ заблокировать чей-то доступ, не публикуя ничего открыто. Подобные грязные уловки администратора совершались Ридом против Элизондо снова и снова». Многочисленные бывшие и нынешние чиновники министерства обороны, знакомые с этим вопросом, рассказали *The Debrief*, что преследование Элизондо допуска к секретным материалам было лишь одной из грязных административных уловок, которые проделал Рейд. ​ \- Бывший старший советник министра обороны Джеймс Мэттис рассказал *The Debrief*, что в начале 2017 года Элизондо несколько раз информировал их в Пентагоне об инцидентах с UAP, и они были ошеломлены, когда увидели новую позицию Министерства обороны «без ответственности». «На самом деле я позвонил в PAO и сказал: «Как вы можете так говорить? Я был прочитан в этом и \[was\] проинструктирован им \[Elizondo\].’» Бывший советник говорит, что они никогда не давали адекватного объяснения, почему Министерство обороны теперь отрицает роль Элизондо в программе. ​ \- В беседе с *The Debrief* Элизондо сказал, что часть вендетты Рейда и вводящие в заблуждение заявления о его причастности к AATIP, вероятно, связаны с тем фактом, что он никогда не знал о программе. «Поскольку я не мог доверять ему, я никогда не вводил его в программу, а вместо этого работал с эшелонами в отделе выше него», — сказал Элизондо. «Я знал о его предполагаемом неправомерном поведении и не мог рисковать целостностью программы, привлекая его. Последнее, что я слышал, он тренировал пресс-секретаря Пентагона Сьюзен Гоф, как реагировать на запросы средств массовой информации обо мне. Это могло бы объяснить очевидные неточности, которые госпожа Гоф сообщила обо мне средствам массовой информации», — предположила Элизондо. ​ Действительно невероятно, что, учитывая сообщения, которые были сделаны по этому поводу, Джон Гринвальд использовал информацию от Гарри Рида, чтобы подорвать доверие к Элизондо. У Элизондо явно было несколько человек на очень высоких должностях, которые подтверждали, что он тот, за кого себя выдает, и делал то, что говорил. Гарри Рид явно был неравнодушен к Лю. Это действительно очень плохо, потому что Джон Гринвальд мог бы стать большим подспорьем в ближайшие месяцы, чтобы помочь нам просеять то, что может быть горой информации UAP, используя свой опыт FOIA, но он явно потерял много уважения со стороны многих людей в сообщество НЛО из-за этой самой последней статьи. Проведя небольшое исследование, легко понять, почему. Понятно, что Элизондо уже имеет дело с дезинформационными атаками изнутри Министерства обороны. Кажется, Гринвальд по какой-то причине просто присоединяется к ним.

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49 комментарий для “Почему я считаю, что статья The Black Vault несправедлива по отношению к Лю Элизондо”
  1. I like John, but IMHO he tends to crap on anything and anyone he didn’t discover himself.

    John: «Here’s the results of my 30,000th FOIA request. It’s clear evidence that we’re being lied to.»

    Whistleblower: » I’ve seen evidence that we’re being lied to.»

    John: «Like hell you have…»

  2. Again, this minor gossip around Lou, and what he said to whom when, is inconsequential and irrelevant to the larger UAP picture. The fact remains, he, along with Mellon and others, got us speedrunning disclosure. As Lou said, «it’s not about me.»

  3. The funniest thing about John Greenwald is that he believes documents he gets from the government are based on actual truths. He is THE most famous foia requester, Susan Gogh probably hand photoshops everything he gets.

  4. When Dan Zetterstrom called him out for his poor analysis John literally said “wow Dan, what a shame to see this from you” as though he is the lord of the land.

    u/blackvault needs to get off his high horse.

  5. /u/blackvault has gone off the deep end. He mercilessly attacked David Grusch after the debrief article. The Senate intelligence committee has taken testimony from David Grusch completely invalidating anything John said about him.

    John wants attention and it’s getting kind of pathetic. He needs to understand that this subject isn’t about the individual it’s about our species. He seems to want control of the narrative and wants to be the center of attention. His time is fading.

  6. Yeah I agree with you, it’s quite sad to see John like this now. It’s almost like he’s doing it just for the attention to me. He’s smart, he definitely knew before putting that video out that it cause this reaction. I used to like watching his stuff but seen a big change in him recently. I think it’s deliberate and calculated though for whatever reason. I think one reason might be to get more eyes/attention on his channel/himself. Which these types of videos are doing. Might just be best to ignore him from now on.

  7. Greenwald is a necessary and useful idiot.

    Useful in that having a high bar to satisfy skeptics is a good thing.

    Also love or hate Elizondo, he doesn’t do himself favors with some of the people he brought under his brand and who he promotes, like Cahill. It is fuel for Greenwald to go after Lue.

    And yes, Greenwald is also developing a messiah complex of sorts. FFS he should go and listen to any recent podcast where he was a guest. He can’t go more than a couple sentence without talking about his followers or haters.

  8. John greenwald is a career sceptic. I followed him for many years before i realized what he was doing. I don’t believe he works for the government, but I think the government uses him to get their narrative out and they provide him with tiny drips of information that will never go anywhere. I think it’s kind of ridiculous to think that the government will accidentally or purposely release the smoking gun to JGjr through foia anyway.

  9. Having followed John’s work for nearly a decade now, initially looking up to him more than Jesus and Buddha, I have reached the conclusion that he is a limited hangout. Look up CIA’s tactics of «limited hangout».

    John has either been steadily fed information that unknowingly groomed him into a limited hangout, or he deliberately signed up for it at some point.

    His position is exactly what the secretive element of the government would take if they were forced into disclosure: «Yes, UFOs are truly anomalous, and we don’t know what they are, and yes we covered up the knowledge, because it was the cold war, and the bureaucracy just continued secrecy after the cold war.»

    The fact that given all the material that John has, he could’ve easily seen the possibility of a crash retrieval and reverse engineering programs being a possibility, even if not a high probability, yet he stubbornly sees it as impossible. Yeah, smells like limited hangout.

  10. Dude’s made a living off of UFOs being quiet, and secret, for him to try to FOIA morsels out of the government for his content.

    I expect the biggest grifters to push back the hardest against a real, open, disclosure.

  11. John greenwald has a massive ego and he always envisioned being the one who gets disclosure to the masses via his foia attempts. So anyone else who starts to appear to beat him to it with any solid disclosure (elizondo, delongue, gary nolan, grusch, etc.), he can’t help but attack visciously and excuses it as healthy skepticism. Fairness means nothing to such an ego. Simple as that.

  12. Look, here is what I think.

    I think regardless of Lue’s legitimacy, he has done what was necessary for this community. I believe it’s too late to argue Lue’s legitimacy because at this point it’s way past Lue’s hands and into Congress’. It allowed people like David Grusch to come out and make some good claims.

    John is chasing old sticks. The Mormon guy (greenstreet) is really annoying as well. I tried to watch the Skinwalker basement series, but I got turned off after the show went from Alien Skeptic, to a Mormon advertisement in disguise.

  13. Anyone who’s ever been around people who’ve been involved in Pentagon stuff knows that fights over who gets credit for what program, who started the program, who was really involved, and so on are all standard stuff that happens. This is why I just can’t care about Greenwald’s Elizondo nitpicking and “he said, she said” — this all pattern matches to me as really standard DoD backstabbing and and politicking of the kind that happens there.

    Also, Greenwald needs to figure out how to make his points clearer. A lot of it is rambling and nitpicking, and I end up thinking “I ain’t reading all that, just tell me the point.”

  14. John Greenewald fails the marshmallow game. He is fundamentally incapable of fully developing a story before he reports. He thinks he’s just “sharing data,” but he actually is sharing data and innuendo without any examination of context. His FOIA game was fun when nothing was developing in the govt, but now he is showing how incapable he is at putting together a full picture and is showing easily he can get played by the likes of Gough and Reid because he’ll just print whatever they say with a thinking emoji.

  15. Something that struck me about that article is something I’ve thought about a few times. That is:

    If Lue’s formal complaint, that the OUSDI (I think?) intentionally downplayed or denied his role in AATIP in an effort to sow doubt about his credibility, were true, and the OUSDI was *successful* in doing so, it would look…Kinda like it does right now.

    You can hardly say his name on this forum without a gaggle of people jumping in to say he’s a grifter, and we’ve got Greenwald, a notable name in this space no matter how ya spin it, leading the pack. I don’t think we should blindly believe anything any one person says. But in very short order, perceptions of Lue seem to have gone from ‘senior veteran IC official making serious claims wow’ to ‘ah that program didn’t even exist, he’s a shill, whatever ‘. I hope Grusch doesn’t end up in the same boat.

  16. But remember it’s important to know “how we got here”.. ok. We’re here. If it’s a giant psyops/distraction , connect the dots for us please I’m all ears . The UFO topic has gone past Lue as it should with Grusch.it shouldn’t be about those two when we’re asking our government to be transparent with us when it comes to basic universal questions. It’s even gone past national security. Are we alone? Yes:no?

  17. It makes you wonder if they are going to try some smear campaign on Grusch also.

    Hopefully he has a few more layers of indisputably (which it seems he does)

    Silly they are still kicking and screaming.

    Of what I’ve heard Grusch’s case going forward is up to one person taking it seriously.

    It was talked about extensively in todays — Need to know podcast.

    Sorry I can’t remember his name.

    Edit. it’s Mark Warner if you want someone to contact.

  18. Always thought John and Blackvault were an outstanding pillar of truth on this topic. Very disappointed to his attacks on Grusch and Lue. Hope John course corrects because we need all the serious, objective and credible people we can get to move this topic forward 🙏

  19. I used to follow Greenwald when I thought he was uniquely talented in forcing responses to FOIAs. But, over time, I’ve lost confidence in him and now lean to him being a USG «lackey». I think they use him to «answer» questions without an «answer». That said, I have not been following Greenwald for over 6 months, now.

    To be clear, saying this does not mean I’m endorsing Elizondo or Reid or these other so called whistleblowers.

  20. Thank you for this. I always watched this on YouTube the other night & agree with you. I also like greenways as a person but he ruffled my feathers on the wrong way. I am able to put together all of the dots after everyone else gathers them & make as best a decision as I can with the info provided. I like personally like Lue.

  21. John made a short video that was just Elizondo and Mellon both taking credit for the leak. The conclusion was that Elizondo is a liar. The argument made in that video was as weak as the documents the DoD feeds him. How anyone still takes The Black Vault seriously, when John is acting like a «mean girl» who doesn’t want actual whistleblowers sitting at his table, is beyond me.



    There it is. Elizondo said he doesn’t recall exactly how the NYT release came about, Mellon says he and Elizondo got the videos out of the DoD but that he specifically (Mellon) gave them to the NYT, and Elizondo claims it was a bit of a shock because he claims he didn’t know the NYT had received the videos until said videos were already in their possession. What Elizondo actually says (that the NYT reporting was a surprise which is also qualified by Mellon’s claim that he was the one who gave the videos to the NYT) isn’t the «gotcha» moment John thinks it is.

  22. The Debreif article written by Tim McMillin about Garry Reid was sourced by Lue Elizondo. Sure they had the IG findings about the complaint against Reid, but the interpretation of those findings was provided by Lue

    John’s piece about Lue Elizondo was sourced by documents obtained by FOIA. Documents don’t lie, people do.

    If you watch the video John put out about the documents he makes the point that it wasn’t just Garry Reis who was interested in investigating Elizondo, it was several other senior level officials as well as the AFOSI and even SECDEF Mattis himself!!

    People can try to dismiss Garry Reid for having a consensual relationship with a cowrker and sending an email from his personal comuter (lol) but how do they dismiss the other officials, the AFOSi and General Mattis?

  23. Elizondo’s lawyer said the DoD dismissed his reprisal complaint for lack of evidence.

    The blackvault article also suggests there are documents relating to AATIP and Elizondo that weren’t released to them through foia.

    Y’all just mad he presented some shit you disagree with.

    At this point nothing has been factually proven or disproven. It would be dumb to not take in all information.

  24. >It’s really too bad, because John Greenewald could be a great asset in the coming months to help us sift through what could be a mountain of UAP information using his FOIA expertise

    There wouldn’t be questions to ask Elizondo if he’d been more forthcoming. Some might say he’s been consistently evasive and others in the field have had mixed experiences with him. Regardless of that, Elizondo has every right to say half-things and *non-things* and leave his followers hungry for more. He’s not obliged to answer anyone’s questions.

    Likewise, John Greenewald is entitled to put out his videos asking questions. He’s got a platform and is asking about things we all want to know about. That’s why he’s got an audience.

    What you can say about Greenewald is he’s transparent. Can that be said for any other big name UFO celebrity? Think about it. Elizondo, Sir Eric Davis PhD, Hal Puthoff, Tom Delonge, Jacques Vallee? All these guys exist in private groups and exercise massive influence across this field and what you believe in. They’re allowed to do that just like John Greenewald is allowed to ask some questions.

  25. Elizondo seemed like the real deal, but I’ve since gone the other way and just feel like something is off.

    Not quite sure what, or why, but I don’t trust him. When you look at Grusch vs. Elizondo, there’s just a world of difference.

    Grusch said that yeah — as crazy and ridiculous as it sounds, we’ve got spaceships from NHIs, and have for a long time. He didn’t believe it, and you might not either, but it is what it is.

    Lue has been spouting vague bullshit for years now, dancing around an NDA, not clarifying what he means, and now is selling a book and planning to run for Congress. Plus there’s that 4-part blog entry about the guy spending a weekend on Lue’s ranch, where it was just lie after lie after lie.

    Telling TV producers that a car with a couple of cameras is an International SIGINT Satellite, capable of recording data on multiple spectrums, it’s weird.

  26. For the most part, u/blackvault has been able to uncover lots of information for the community using his countless FOIA requests. Without him, we’d probably be a ways back on progress. However, when it comes to his articles that he writes that very much feel biased from an outsiders perspective against Lue, that’s where it starts to feel off. Almost like rewriting history or something. The USG knows the kind of traction that Greenewald gets online, and that he’s the main source of FOIA information. They could very well be releasing specific documents/information to favor towards Gary Reid and put Lue in a bad light. I doubt John has any say in the matter, again “he’s just the messenger”. It’s whatever the USG wants to say, he’s just speaking for them

  27. You are citing all anonymous sources to counter Reid. These were also published by an outlet that’s pretty favorable to Elizondo.

    None of these sources are ones that you or I can confirm. So, what is it you’d like me to do with any of that?

  28. If you listen to John’s most recent video he did not disparage lue at all but said he though the government felt an investigation into him was necessary at the time to his sudden departure (potentially with gov’ secrets” and his email prior to departure saying he wants to bring the videos to the light of the world. With that information given it’s reasonable enough to persuade and investigation and follow up for more information. But to say she attacked lue; I don’t think that’s true..

  29. I wouldn’t call it unfair. It is unfortunate for Elizondo, but not unfair. The documents are unarguably legit, so, case closed? We can move past Elizondo and see what the future awaits.

  30. I didn’t read the article, but I think people trust Lue a little bit too much. To this day I don’t understand his motives for coming forward with everything, and I think his ultra patriotic image is a ruse to gain trust to the common citizen. His funky tatts & Colonel Sanders facial hair always threw me off too. He’s a weird character coming straight from a Top secret Pentagon UFO program. I’m interested in what he has to say, but I always felt uneasy about him.

  31. I am so on the fence by John, I really think he believes what he wants and goes all out to prove and disprove certain aspects of a case and completely ignores others.

    He also reminds me of a jelly baby 🙃

  32. Greenewald is one of the most credible and consistently down-to-earth people in this field, very few people have contributed as much to public knowledge of the reality of this topic as his work has.

    Lue Elizondo is a professional liar, torturer, and psy-op goon.

    So naturally, ya’ll turn on John to preserve belief in your favorite con-man

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