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Hi there!
It looks as though the article you linked might be behind a paywall. Here’s an [unlocked version](https://demo.thisischip.com/?q=https://www.tampabay.com/archive/1997/07/21/lawsuit-challenges-secret-legacy-of-air-force-s-area-51/&o=reddit)
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What does this have to do with UFOs besides being at Area 51?
The issue was burning stealth coatings in open pits. It was toxic, horrible for the environment, and left many employees unknowingly exposed to the dangers.
This was a lawsuit brought forth by several employees at Area 51 in the 90s. The employees had to meet with a lawyer in secret. Once the suit was brought to court the contents of the lawyers office was deemed Top secret and was closed off. “Wallys” widow fought to bring attention to her husbands death from whatever he was exposed to at Area 51. She describes him growing scale like lesions that he would sand down and would be suffering by from bad coughing fits. Knowing what we know today we can speculate more on what may have happened. This also needs to be declassified for the employees families.
The “claim” is that the military was dumping all left over materials from whatever they are working on in trenches and burning everything. Employees became sick because of it but I didn’t hear of any military personnel being affected like this or maybe they were but was classified. People have died from working at these secret facilities and that’s enough to investigate by Congress…
I have a friend who’s family was involved in this. They got fucked, but it had nothing to do with ufos.